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Grimes and Elon Musk welcome their third child, revealing baby's name and more

Elon Musk and Grimes welcome their third child, named Techno Mechanicus aka Tau. Musk now has ten children.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and musician Grimes have joyfully announced the arrival of their third child, unveiling the unique and enigmatic name in a recent book review. In a heartwarming conversation with Shivon Zilis, mother of Musk's twins, Grimes emphasized the importance of mutual respect and the desire for their children to grow up together. Zilis reciprocated this sentiment, eagerly looking forward to future playdates and fostering a strong bond between their families.

The billionaire entrepreneur and visionary behind Tesla, Elon Musk, is celebrating the birth of his third child with partner Grimes. The name bestowed upon this newest addition to their family is Techno Mechanicus, also known as Tau. This unconventional name has sparked intrigue and curiosity among netizens, who are eager to unravel its meaning and significance.

The revelation of the child's name came to light through a New York Times book review of a biography on Elon Musk penned by Walter Isaacson. Both parents have now officially confirmed this name, individually expressing their excitement and joy for their growing family.

Grimes also took the opportunity to address her conversation with Shivon Zilis, with whom Musk shares twins. She emphasized that any misunderstandings were not Zilis' fault and urged others not to direct anger towards her. Grimes spoke highly of Zilis, highlighting their mutual respect and shared desire for the well-being of their children. She expressed her eagerness to develop a friendship and witness their children growing up together.

In a heartfelt post on X, the platform owned by Elon Musk, Grimes highlighted the unfortunate tendency to pit women against each other and celebrated her conversation with Zilis, recognizing her as an incredible human being. Grimes stated, "Speaking with Shivon, it's very evident she's an amazing human and we both just want what's best for our kids."

Shivon Zilis responded on X, reciprocating the respect and admiration. She congratulated Grimes on the arrival of baby Tau and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to connect and understand each other. Zilis eagerly anticipated future playdates and celebrated the birth of baby Tau, emphasizing her respect for Grimes and acknowledging her as a total badass.

In summary, Elon Musk and Grimes have welcomed their third child, Techno Mechanicus aka Tau, into the world. Amidst the excitement and joy, both parents have emphasized the importance of mutual respect and the desire for their children to grow up together. Their conversation with Shivon Zilis further solidified their commitment to fostering a strong bond between their families. The netizens are left intrigued by the unique name of the newest addition to the Musk-Grimes clan, sparking conversations and speculation. Elon Musk's expanding family is a testament to the love and joy they share, despite the challenges and demands of their respective careers.

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