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Chelsea Clinton's $uper High Income Via Board Seats Comes To Light

Chelsea Clinton has reportedly earned $9 million since 2011 as a board member of an internet investment company. She also owns a $10 million luxury apartment in Manhattan.

In 1978 and 1979, Hillary Rodham Clinton engaged in a series of cattle futures trades, turning a mere $1,000 investment into an impressive sum of nearly $100,000 within a span of just 10 months. This remarkable feat serves as a testament to her financial acumen and skill in the trading world.

It appears that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, as Chelsea Clinton has also found herself in a prosperous position. According to Barron's, a renowned financial publication, Chelsea has earned a staggering $9 million in compensation since 2011 as a board member of IAC/InterActiveCorp, an internet investment company. IAC boasts ownership of numerous major brands, including Vimeo, Tinder, Angie's List, and Home Advisor.

Chelsea's compensation package includes an annual retainer of $50,000 and restricted IAC stock units worth $250,000. As of the end of December, she reported owning $8.95 million worth of IAC stock, as stated by The Hill. It is worth noting that IAC's stock has experienced significant growth, surpassing the broader stock market with increases of 89 percent, 50 percent, and 36 percent in 2017, 2018, and 2019, respectively.

The former first daughter's public profile has undoubtedly played a role in her financial success. In 2013 and part of 2014, Chelsea earned an annual salary of $600,000 as a special correspondent for NBC News. Additionally, she was appointed to the board of Expedia Group in March 2017, a position that typically earned $250,000 in 2015, according to The Guardian.

Both IAC and Expedia are under the control of Barry Diller, a prominent business and television mogul who happens to be a close friend of Hillary Clinton. This connection may have contributed to Chelsea's advantageous positions within these companies.

Further examination of Chelsea's income reveals astonishing figures. Daily Mail reports that she earned just over $600,000 in 2018 for her directorial roles on the boards of IAC and Expedia. Surprisingly, the IAC board only convened six times in 2018, while some members of the Expedia board were obligated to attend a mere two meetings throughout the year. These facts raise questions about the extent of Chelsea's responsibilities in these positions.

It is evident that Chelsea Clinton has amassed a substantial fortune, including a remarkable $10 million "luxury fortress" located in Manhattan, one of the most expensive areas in the world. This property is reputed to be New York's longest apartment, spanning an entire block from 26th Street to 27th Street, and situated on the renowned Madison Avenue.

The revelations about Chelsea's financial success and privileged positions raise concerns about the existence of "Clinton Privilege" and the advantages afforded to Democratic politicians. While some may argue against the concept of "white privilege," it is difficult to deny the existence of these privileges within the Clinton family.

The Gateway Pundit highlights the fact that Chelsea, much like her mother, has been receiving substantial sums of money for years. She once earned $600,000 annually as a "special correspondent" for NBC News, producing a few "feel-good pieces." These revelations prompt curiosity about what further investigations by real journalists, such as National File's Patrick Howley, may uncover. However, it is important to note that such investigations may face significant challenges and obstacles.

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