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Boulder Events Celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day

Boulder is hosting a series of events to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day, honoring the culture and contributions of Native tribes.

Boulder, a city in Colorado, is embracing Indigenous Peoples Day with a series of events aimed at recognizing and celebrating the original inhabitants of North America. The city supports organizations that honor Indigenous Peoples Day by providing assistance for events and celebrations that highlight the culture and contributions of Indigenous peoples. This commitment stems from a resolution passed by the Boulder City Council in 2016, designating the second Monday of October as Indigenous Peoples' Day.

The resolution not only seeks to promote awareness and understanding of Indigenous cultures but also guides the city in its ongoing collaboration with Native tribes. Boulder aims to rectify the historical omissions of Indigenous people in various aspects of society, including places, resources, and cultural programming.

Elizabeth Crowe, deputy director of Boulder's Housing and Human Services, emphasizes the importance of Indigenous Peoples Day in helping the community remember the deep history of the land and the Indigenous peoples who have called the Boulder region home for countless generations. She believes that their rich cultures and contributions should be acknowledged, understood, and celebrated.

One of the events taking place in Boulder is hosted by Right Relationship Boulder at the Dairy Arts Center. This event, held on Sunday, offers a range of activities from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Educational panels, dancers, drummers, and vendors will be present, covering topics such as land access and reparations, preserving Native language, Indigenous food sovereignty, and the significance of ceremony and water protection.

Out Boulder County is also hosting a variety show that celebrates the intersection between queerness and indigeneity. The event will feature food, indigenous artist dance performances, and an educational component. La Vecindad at Mi Chantli is offering workshops on art, song, dance, food, and bookmaking to amplify and reclaim indigenous heritage and wisdom. These workshops will take place on Sunday and October 9.

The University of Colorado Boulder's Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is hosting an event called "Honoring Indigenous Food Sovereignty" on October 11. This event will showcase local Indigenous chefs and their contributions to food sovereignty. Luna Cultura is organizing an event on October 14 at the Atlas Black Box Theatre at CU Boulder, which aims to create a participatory space for the collective recovery of history, resilience, and alternatives for well-being. Activities include storytelling, music, and food.

These events in Boulder provide an opportunity for the community to come together and recognize the importance of Indigenous cultures and contributions. By engaging in educational panels, performances, workshops, and discussions, attendees can gain a deeper understanding of Indigenous history, resilience, and the need for cultural preservation. It is through events like these that Boulder continues to foster a sense of inclusivity, respect, and appreciation for the Indigenous peoples who have shaped the region's past and continue to call it home.

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