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Heat's Jimmy Butler declares 'this is our year' for NBA championship at media day

Miami Heat star Jimmy Butler made waves at media day with a new look, sporting straightened hair, piercings, and painted fingernails. Butler's unconventional style is a reflection of his emotional state following the team's loss in the 2023 NBA Finals. Despite his teammates' amusement, Butler remains focused on winning a championship this season.

Jimmy Butler, the Miami Heat star, made quite the statement at media day with his unique appearance. Sporting straightened hair that covered part of his face, along with piercings and black-painted fingernails, Butler made it clear that he was not satisfied with his team's loss in the 2023 NBA Finals against the Denver Nuggets.

Butler's unconventional style is a reflection of his vibrant personality, and he enjoys shaking things up from time to time. Last year, he experimented with dreadlocks during the offseason and even tried to convince everyone that he didn't have hair extensions.

"You never know how I'm going to wake up in the morning," Butler said. "This is how I feel today. We'll see tomorrow. Tomorrow might be in all yellow, who knows. You're lucky we didn't get to wear our black jerseys because I'm supposed to be in all black."

While Butler's teammates are accustomed to his eccentricities, they couldn't help but be surprised when they saw him at media day. Bam Adebayo, the Heat center, burst into laughter as he watched Butler meticulously comb his straight hair in the middle of their photoshoot.

"Ain't no way that's him," Adebayo exclaimed.

Adebayo described Butler as "misunderstood" but acknowledged that as long as the team wins, Butler can express himself however he wants.

"If this is a phase he's going through at 34, you have to let him go through his phases," Adebayo added. "We all go through our emo phases."

Tyler Herro, another Heat player, tried to maintain his composure but couldn't hide his amusement.

"(Butler) told me that's his Halloween, today," Herro said.

The creative content team seemed to embrace Butler's new look, even selecting music that matched his vibe, including The Used's "The Taste of Ink."

Butler enjoys having fun during media day, and he certainly succeeded in doing so on Monday with his "emo" jokes. However, he made it clear that he is focused and determined to have a successful season.

"For me, it has always been about winning a championship. It will always be about that. Nothing else," Butler emphasized. "This is our year. This is the one. And this one's going to feel real good."

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