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Katie Hobbs Temporarily Stepped Down as Arizona Governor Amid Senate Confirmation Fight

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs temporarily stepped down, causing controversy over her nominees awaiting Senate confirmation. Republican treasurer Kimberly Yee takes over.

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs recently faced controversy regarding her nominees awaiting state Senate confirmation. In response, she temporarily stepped down from her position, allowing Arizona's Republican treasurer, Kimberly Yee, to assume the role. However, Yee refused to recognize the authority of two top directors appointed by Hobbs, citing uncertainty regarding their legal status as agency bosses.

Yee expressed concern over the absence of lawfully appointed directors in these agencies, stating that it created legal uncertainty. She specifically mentioned the State Board of Investment, emphasizing that the proceedings would be jeopardized until legitimate directors were reinstated by the governor.

Hobbs decided to withdraw her nominations from the Senate's Committee on Director Nominations and instead gave the nominees the title of "executive deputy director." This move was intended to allow them to bypass Senate confirmations and continue their work as official agency directors.

Upon learning of Hobbs' rejection of the confirmation process, Yee consulted with lawyers who advised against legally recognizing these individuals in the open meeting of the Board of Investment, as they believed Hobbs was circumventing the law. Without a Senate confirmation process in place, there was no record enabling these directors to serve for a year without confirmation, even as interim directors.

It is important to note that Hobbs' actions were a result of her temporary absence. Yee, during her brief time as acting governor, expressed her satisfaction in assuming the role. However, she made it clear that she would not name directors to the 13 agencies with vacancies or call the Arizona Legislature into session for confirmation until Hobbs returned.

Yee emphasized the importance of prompt action from the governor upon her return, urging her to appoint qualified directors to these crucial state agencies. Yee also expressed her expectation for a quick resolution to this matter, highlighting the need to prioritize the work for Arizona taxpayers.

Due to the absence of a lieutenant governor, as well as the attorney general and secretary of state, the responsibility fell to Yee temporarily.

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