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NFL star Chandler Jones claims taken mental health hospital against will forcibly injected days after called out Raiders owner

NFL player Chandler Jones claims he was taken to a mental health hospital against his will in a disturbing social media post.

On Tuesday, September 26, 2023, an unsettling incident involving Chandler Jones, a player for the Las Vegas Raiders in the NFL, came to light. Jones took to social media on Monday night to reveal that he had been involuntarily taken to a mental health hospital by the Vegas fire department. In his post, Jones claimed that he had been injected against his will and forced to sleep on the floor during his time at the hospital.

This incident comes just a week after Jones went on a disturbing social media rant, accusing Raiders owner Mark Davis of protecting the identity of a man who allegedly molested his goddaughter. However, Jones later stated that he had been hacked, casting doubt on the authenticity of his previous claims.

In his post on X, Jones explained, "First day out, if my fans and friends were wondering, I was taken in by the Las Vegas fire department last week against my will. I was injected with I don't know what. They say it was a court hold and the Las Vegas police put me on it. I hadn't done anything wrong. The police said people were concerned about me because of my posts online."

According to Jones, a group of 5 to 7 individuals arrived at his door and forcibly put him in an ambulance. He was then taken to Southern Hills hospital and later transferred to Seven Hills, where he claims he was pressured to take medication and injections. Throughout his ordeal, Jones attempted to reach out to the Raiders' general manager for assistance but received no response.

Jones expressed his frustration with the situation, stating, "This place is NOT a place for high-profile athletes. My first night I slept on the floor and was not offered a bed. My brothers had to bring me decent meals to eat and clothes. My dad comes and reads me bible verses. Every day that I miss is one million dollars. I'm still confused on what I did wrong. I'm still here. I'm very sane."

To support his claims, Jones shared a picture of a document highlighting certain patient rights, such as the right to refuse treatment and medication, the right to be treated in the least restrictive environment, and the right to receive an explanation of treatment goals and methods.

The Raiders responded to the situation by placing Jones on the non-football illness list, effectively ruling him out indefinitely. When asked about the matter, Raiders head coach Josh McDaniels chose not to comment, stating, "It's a personal situation and a private matter. We have dealt with it, and I am not going to talk about it."

This incident raises questions about the treatment of high-profile athletes and the importance of mental health support within professional sports organizations. It remains to be seen how this situation will unfold and what actions, if any, will be taken to address the concerns raised by Chandler Jones.

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