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North Korea - Kim Jong Un returns home from Russia

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has returned from his trip to Russia, where he strengthened ties with President Putin. The two countries discussed defense ties, leading to speculation about arms transfer deals in violation of U.N. resolutions.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has returned to North Korea after his trip to Russia, where he focused on strengthening relations with President Vladimir Putin. The visit, which lasted six days, marked Kim's longest foreign travel as a leader. While the two countries discussed enhancing their defense ties, they did not reveal any specific measures. However, experts believe that they may have been attempting to negotiate arms transfer deals in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions, as both nations are engaged in conflicts with the West.

Kim's return was met with enthusiasm, with a large crowd cheering for him upon his arrival at a Pyongyang rail station. Senior North Korean officials also congratulated him on advancing relations with Russia. Prior to his trip, Kim visited munitions factories, leading to speculation that he was checking on arms production for shipment to Russia.

During his time in Russia, Kim had the opportunity to visit significant military sites and witness advanced weapons systems, including nuclear-capable bombers, fighter jets, and hypersonic missiles. In a live meeting with Putin, Kim expressed his "full and unconditional support." They also discussed expanding coordination between their armed forces with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

Many experts believe that Kim may provide ammunition to replenish Russia's depleted inventory in exchange for access to Russian technologies to modernize his nuclear weapons arsenal. However, the United States and South Korea have warned of consequences if such weapons transfer deals violate U.N. Security Council resolutions. On the other hand, some experts suggest that Kim may receive food and economic aid instead, as Russia may be hesitant to share its advanced weapons technologies with other countries.

In response to the military cooperation between Russia and North Korea, South Korean Vice Foreign Minister Chang Ho-jin summoned the Russian ambassador and urged Moscow to cease its collaboration immediately. Chang warned that this cooperation would have a highly negative impact on the relationship between Russia and South Korea.

Kim's focus on bolstering his nuclear arsenal is driven by perceived U.S. military threats. By expanding his arsenal, he aims to gain greater concessions from the United States while solidifying his military credentials domestically, particularly in light of the economic challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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