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Cassidy Hutchinson alleges Rudy Giuliani groped her at 'Stop the Steal' rally

Former White House aide, Olivia Hutchinson, accuses Rudy Giuliani of groping her and attempting to kiss her in her upcoming book.

In her forthcoming book, a former assistant to Mark Meadows, the then-White House chief of staff, recounts a disturbing encounter with Rudy Giuliani. At the time, Hutchinson was 24 years old when Giuliani allegedly groped her under her clothes and attempted to kiss her. She vividly describes the incident, noting how his frozen fingers trailed up her thigh and how she felt like prey being pursued by a wolf. Hutchinson managed to escape from his grasp, but the encounter left a lasting impact.

This revelation is just one of the shocking details Hutchinson shares in her book, set to be released next week. She also discloses that she overheard Donald Trump expressing a desire to personally join his supporters in their attempts to overturn the election results in favor of President-elect Joe Biden. Hutchinson testified about this claim before the House Jan. 6 select committee on June 28, 2022, captivating the nation with her dramatic live hearing.

Trump has vehemently denied Hutchinson's claim, and the Secret Service has not confirmed it. However, the gravity of her testimony cannot be ignored. It raises questions about Trump's involvement and his willingness to go to extreme lengths to challenge the election outcome.

Interestingly, Hutchinson initially stated that she couldn't recall many internal discussions in the Trump White House regarding the election challenge. However, she later changed her story, revealing that she had been advised by a lawyer connected to Trump, whom she had hired for financial reasons, to make those statements. This revelation adds another layer of complexity to the situation and raises concerns about potential manipulation and coercion.

It is puzzling why Hutchinson did not mention the Giuliani incident during her public testimony or report it to the authorities at the time. This raises questions about her motivations and the timing of her revelations. Giuliani's political adviser, Ted Goodman, vehemently denies Hutchinson's allegations, dismissing them as "a disgusting lie." He questions her motives, suggesting that she is using these claims as a marketing strategy for her book release. Goodman praises Giuliani's extensive career in public service, highlighting his accomplishments in taking down the Mafia, revitalizing New York City, and providing solace to the nation after the September 11th attacks.

Giuliani, now 79 years old, has been grappling with a series of legal troubles since Trump's departure from office. He recently faced indictment on 13 counts related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia. Additionally, he was sanctioned by a judge in a civil case brought by two Georgia election workers whom he accused of election fraud. Furthermore, he is embroiled in a $1.3 million lawsuit with his former attorney, Robert Costello, over unpaid bills, which Giuliani disputes. To add to his legal woes, he is facing a $10 million lawsuit from a former assistant who alleges sexual assault and wage theft.

These developments paint a troubling picture of Giuliani's post-Trump era. Once considered a prominent figure in public service, he is now entangled in legal battles and facing serious allegations. The outcome of these cases will undoubtedly have a significant impact on his reputation and legacy.

In conclusion, Hutchinson's revelations about Giuliani's alleged misconduct and Trump's desire to join his supporters in challenging the election results have sparked national attention. The details she provides in her book and her testimony before the House Jan. 6 select committee raise important questions about the integrity of the Trump administration and the lengths it was willing to go to contest the election outcome. As the legal battles surrounding Giuliani unfold, the truth behind these allegations will hopefully come to light, providing justice and closure for all parties involved.

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