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Vigil for JoAnne Epps: Honoring the Sudden Death of Temple Leader

Temple University mourns the loss of President JoAnne Epps, who passed away while serving the university community. A vigil will be held to remember her.

Temple University is mourning the loss of JoAnne Epps, a beloved figure in the university community. The 72-year-old Epps had recently assumed the role of president following the resignation of Jason Wingard. In honor of her memory, a vigil will be held at the university's bell tower, and all members of the Temple community are invited to attend.

During this difficult time, the university encourages everyone to come together to reflect, remember, and support one another. Epps, who previously served as the dean of Temple's law school and provost, stepped into the position of president in April. Her dedication to the university and its community was evident, as she had planned to retire at the end of the year but chose to continue serving because of her love for Temple.

Colleagues and friends remember Epps as a vibrant and compassionate individual who had a remarkable ability to bring people together and inspire them, even in the face of daunting challenges. Ken Kaiser, senior vice president and chief operating officer at Temple, spoke highly of Epps, highlighting her infectious enthusiasm and knack for making even the most difficult tasks enjoyable.

The loss of JoAnne Epps is deeply felt not only within the Temple University community but also throughout the city of Philadelphia. Governor Josh Shapiro expressed his sorrow, describing Epps as a powerful force and unwavering advocate for the university over her four decades of service.

In the wake of this tragedy, Temple University's Board of Trustees will convene to develop a plan for the transition ahead. As the university mourns the loss of a remarkable leader, they will also strive to carry on Epps' legacy of dedication and service to the Temple community.

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