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Patriots Fan Dies in Altercation with Dolphins Supporter, Witness States

A man died after being punched in the face during a Patriots game, leading to calls for increased security.

A tragic incident occurred at Gillette Stadium on September 17th, resulting in the death of a New Hampshire man named Dale Mooney. According to a witness, Mooney was involved in a physical altercation with a Dolphins fan, which ultimately led to his untimely demise. The Norfolk district attorney's office is currently investigating the incident.

The witness, Joey Kilmartin, shared his account of what transpired during the game. He mentioned that there had been ongoing bickering between different sections of the crowd throughout the game. Towards the end of the fourth quarter, Kilmartin noticed Mooney involved in a physical altercation with other spectators. It was at this point that the Dolphins fan approached Mooney and punched him in the face, causing him to lose consciousness.

Mooney never regained consciousness and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) were called to the scene to perform CPR. Unfortunately, their efforts were in vain. Kilmartin, who witnessed the entire incident, expressed his condolences to Mooney's family and described the situation as unfortunate.

Video footage of the incident was provided by Kilmartin to WCVB, who then published still images from the footage. The images depicted Mooney at the stadium and showed his shirt being pulled during the altercation. Mooney's wife, Lisa, spoke to WCVB and expressed her desire to understand what had caused her husband's death. She questioned why people had to resort to such extreme measures and emphasized that the event was meant to be a fun family outing.

As of Monday, no charges had been filed according to the district attorney's office. However, Kilmartin mentioned that he witnessed the police taking one man into custody. An autopsy is scheduled to be conducted in the following days to determine the exact cause of Mooney's death.

This incident serves as a tragic reminder of the importance of maintaining a peaceful and respectful environment at sporting events. It is crucial for spectators to remember that these events are meant to be enjoyable and should never escalate into violence. The loss of Dale Mooney is a devastating event for his family and the community, and it is our hope that measures will be taken to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

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