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Russell Brand denies 'extremely disturbing' criminal allegations

Russell Brand denies forthcoming criminal allegations in a video posted on Instagram, hinting they pertain to sexual misconduct.

Russell Brand, the well-known comedian, is taking proactive measures to defend himself against upcoming criminal allegations that threaten to tarnish his reputation. In a video posted on Instagram, Brand passionately denies the forthcoming claims that are set to be published by two prominent media outlets in the UK on Saturday evening. While he does not disclose the exact nature of the allegations, Brand suggests that they involve some form of sexual misconduct. He asserts that his past relationships were consensual during a period of promiscuity, which he openly discussed in his books and public appearances.

Brand's outspokenness about sex is no secret, as evidenced by his previous comments and interactions. In 2013, he famously expressed his desire for a "group sex" encounter with the Kardashian sisters on live television. However, he now believes that his transparency about his sexuality has been twisted into something criminal, a notion that he vehemently denies. Brand questions whether there is an ulterior motive behind the coordinated media attacks, citing previous instances such as the false accusations against Joe Rogan regarding the use of a horse dewormer for COVID-19 treatment.

The comedian suggests that there may be an agenda to control certain spaces and voices, especially considering his shift from acting to criticizing powerful establishments like "Big Pharma." Many of his supporters believe that he is being unfairly targeted, expressing their solidarity in the comments section of his video. Brand emphasizes that he categorically refutes the serious criminal allegations and highlights the existence of witnesses whose testimonies contradict the narratives being constructed by the media outlets involved in what appears to be a coordinated attack.

Brand acknowledges the gravity of the situation and expresses his intention to delve deeper into the matter. He urges his followers to stay informed, vigilant, and free while he navigates the challenges ahead. The specific media outlets that are set to publish the allegations against Brand have not been confirmed, but speculations point towards the Channel 4 series "Dispatchers." Viewers have noticed a "special" 90-minute investigation scheduled for Saturday, which many believe will focus on Brand. The program is slated to air at 9 p.m. local time in the UK, corresponding to 4 p.m. ET.

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