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Lauren Boebert Denies Vaping During Crowded Beetlejuice Performance, But Backtracks When Video Surfaces: I Genuinely Did Not Recall Vaping That Evening

Congresswoman Boebert apologizes for vaping incident at a musical in Denver, admitting she fell short of her values.

In a recent incident at a Beetlejuice musical in Downtown Denver, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was asked to stop vaping by a pregnant woman sitting behind her. Boebert allegedly refused to comply with the request. However, surveillance video from the theater appears to show Boebert vaping in her seat.

Boebert has since issued a statement apologizing for the incident and expressing regret for any harm caused. She attributes her actions to the difficulties and challenges of going through a public and difficult divorce. Boebert acknowledges that she fell short of her values on that evening and accepts responsibility for her actions.

Initially, Boebert claimed that she did not recall vaping that evening when discussing the events with her campaign team. However, she now acknowledges that her previous statement was inaccurate. She assures the public that it was not her intention to mislead and expresses a commitment to earning back their trust, understanding that it may take time.

This incident serves as a reminder that public figures are not immune to making mistakes and facing the consequences of their actions. It highlights the importance of accountability and the need for individuals in positions of power to uphold the values they espouse. As Boebert works towards rebuilding trust, it remains to be seen how this incident will impact her reputation and future actions.

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