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'NASA Panel Finds No Evidence of Aliens'

NASA has named a new director of research into unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or UAPs, but the agency's chief says there is no evidence of an extraterrestrial origin for these objects. However, NASA aims to increase efforts to gather information on UAPs and play a larger role in helping the Pentagon detect them. The new research director will establish a robust database for the evaluation of future UAPs.

NASA has announced the appointment of a new director of research for unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), commonly known as UFOs. The identity of the new director has not been disclosed. This announcement comes after an independent panel of experts recommended that NASA increase its efforts to gather information on UAP and assist the Pentagon in detecting them. The panel, which consists of experts in various fields, including physics and astrobiology, found no evidence of an extraterrestrial origin for these objects. However, they emphasized the need to shift the conversation about UAP from sensationalism to science.

During a news conference, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson expressed his personal belief that life exists beyond Earth. He acknowledged the global fascination with UAP and the unknown nature of these sightings. While he believes in the existence of life in the vast universe, he stated that the chances of otherworldly beings visiting Earth are low.

The panel's report, compiled by experts from different disciplines, did not find any evidence of UAP having an extraterrestrial origin. However, they emphasized that the nature of these objects remains unknown. The U.S. government has recently disclosed information regarding UAP, which was once met with official silence. A report issued in 2021 by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, in collaboration with a Navy-led task force, included numerous observations of UAP, mostly from military personnel.

NASA's mission is to explore the unknown, and the agency is committed to transparency in sharing any discoveries. The new UAP research director will be responsible for centralized communications, resources, and data analytical capabilities to establish a robust database for evaluating future UAP. The identity of the director is being kept secret due to the harassment experienced by other panel members during their work.

The panel's report highlighted the importance of leveraging NASA's existing and planned Earth- and space-observing assets, along with its extensive data sets, to understand UAP. While NASA's satellites may lack the resolution to detect small objects like UAP, their state-of-the-art sensors can be utilized to study the local earth, oceanic, and atmospheric conditions associated with UAP.

The 2021 government report included cases of UAP previously captured in videos released by the Pentagon, showing unidentified aircraft with extraordinary speed and maneuverability. The report stated that defense and intelligence analysts lacked sufficient data to determine the nature of some objects, which could potentially be atmospheric phenomena, advanced foreign aircraft, or innocuous objects like weather balloons.

The panel's report concluded that UAP remain one of the greatest mysteries on our planet. Despite numerous sightings worldwide, there is a lack of consistent, detailed, and curated observations to make definitive scientific conclusions about UAP. The report emphasized the importance of collecting high-quality data to unravel the secrets of our universe.

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