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Indian Consulate Stern Response on Jaahnavi Kandula Death Case in US: Demands Thorough Investigation

Indian Consulate in SF concerned about video of US cops mocking death of Indian student. Demands investigation and action.

The Indian Consulate in San Francisco has expressed deep concern over a video showing US police officers allegedly mocking and laughing at the death of an Indian student. The Consulate General of India in San Francisco has demanded a thorough investigation and action against those involved in the handling of the case. The incident relates to the death of Jaahnavi Kandula, an Indian-origin woman who was killed by a police vehicle in Seattle in January. The Consulate has taken up the matter strongly with local authorities in Seattle and Washington State, as well as senior officials in Washington DC. They have pledged to closely follow up on the issue with all concerned authorities.

The Seattle Police Department recently released footage from officer Daniel Auderer's body camera, which captured the incident. Auderer, who is also the vice president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, can be heard in the video discussing the accident with the guild's president, Mike Solan. He is heard saying "she is dead" before bursting into laughter. Auderer also made derogatory comments about the victim, misstating her age and stating that she had limited value. However, a report released in June revealed that the officer driving the patrol vehicle was traveling at 74 mph in a 25-mph zone while responding to a high-priority call.

The Consulate General of India has condemned the behavior displayed in the video and called for a thorough investigation into the incident. They have urged for appropriate action to be taken against those involved. The Consulate and Embassy will continue to closely monitor the progress of the investigation and ensure that justice is served. This incident highlights the importance of fair and unbiased treatment of individuals, regardless of their background or ethnicity. It is crucial that law enforcement agencies uphold the highest standards of professionalism and respect for human life.

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