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'Kylie Jenner, Timothee Chalamet's Contrived Romance Attempts Glossed Over with PDA-Filled Appearances'

Kylie Jenner and Timothee Chalamet confirmed their romance during a Beyonce's concert earlier this month, but relationship expert calls it "contrived".

Kylie Jenner and Timothee Chalamet's relationship has been the subject of scrutiny, with a relationship expert labeling it as "contrived." The couple made their romance official during a PDA-filled appearance at Beyoncé's concert in Los Angeles. Since then, they have been unapologetic about displaying their affection for each other, making consecutive public appearances.

Their most recent outing was at the 2023 US Open, where they were seen alongside other A-list celebrities. However, according to body language expert Judi James, their gestures and poses don't yet portray them as a synchronized couple. Despite their attempts to present themselves as a perfect match, their body language appears forced and lacking in authenticity.

James explains that Kylie appears to be playing the lead role in a romantic drama, constantly gazing adoringly at Timothee and wrapping her arms around him. On the other hand, Timothee seems more carefree and playful, whispering in her ear and standing behind her. This contrast in their body language reflects their "very different personalities."

When they are not in each other's presence, their body language becomes even more distinct and contrasting. It seems that their true selves emerge when they are not putting on a show for the public. This raises questions about the authenticity of their relationship and whether it is truly genuine.

While Kylie and Timothee may be trying to convince their fans that they are an official item, their contrived poses and lack of synchrony in their body language suggest otherwise. Only time will tell if their relationship is built on a solid foundation or if it is merely a fleeting romance.

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