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"MSU Football Coach Mel Tucker Facing Accusations of Sexual Harassment in Alleged Rape Survivor Report"

Michigan State coach Mel Tucker is under investigation for alleged sexual harassment involving a prominent rape survivor and activist.

Michigan State coach Mel Tucker is currently under investigation for alleged sexual harassment involving a well-known rape survivor and activist, Brenda Tracy. According to a report from The USA Today, Tucker is accused of making sexually suggestive comments and engaging in masturbation during a phone call with Tracy.

Tracy, who was a victim of rape by a group of football players in 1998, has since become a prominent advocate in the fight against violence and sexual assault on college campuses. The report states that Tracy has visited Michigan State on multiple occasions, including meetings with the team and serving as an honorary captain before the 2022 spring game.

Tracy expressed her disgust and betrayal, stating, "The idea that someone could know me and say they understand my trauma but then re-inflict that trauma on me is so disgusting to me, it's hard for me to even wrap my mind around it."

Tucker, in his statements to the Title IX investigator, admitted to the phone call but argued that it was consensual. He wrote, "Ms. Tracy's distortion of our mutually consensual and intimate relationship into allegations of sexual exploitation has really affected me. I am not proud of my judgment, and I am having difficulty forgiving myself for getting into this situation, but I did not engage in misconduct by any definition."

A Title IX hearing has been scheduled for October 5-6, coinciding with Michigan State's bye week. Tucker, who is married, signed a lucrative 10-year, $95 million contract extension in November 2021.

Michigan State's Vice President, Emily Guerrant, emphasized the university's commitment to addressing complaints and concerns regarding their Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct policy. She stated, "Confidentiality is important to the culture around reporting incidents -- it's crucial in creating a safe environment for individuals to come forward. Our commitment to our campus community and the public is to ensure that every complaint or concern brought forward is taken seriously and, when warranted, that a thorough investigation takes place."

Tucker's contract is fully guaranteed, but there is a clause that allows Michigan State to terminate it without payment if he engages in conduct that brings public disrespect, contempt, or ridicule to the school.

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