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Notre Dame football: Assessing the defense's performance at 2-0

Notre Dame football's defense faces its first test in ACC play against North Carolina State. Will they deliver or disappoint?

When it comes to the defense for the No. 10 Notre Dame football team, there are a lot of unknowns. We have the numbers, the words from the coaches and players, and the stats, but do we really understand what this defense is capable of? Let's not get too excited about their performance against Navy and Tennessee State. We know those weren't the toughest opponents.

This weekend, Notre Dame (2-0) will face North Carolina State (1-0) in their first Atlantic Coast Conference game of the season. If the defense performs as well as they did in their opener in Dublin, where they didn't allow a touchdown, then the Irish will return home with their 29th consecutive regular-season win against an ACC school. However, if the defense looks average instead of awesome, it could be the start of a different kind of season for the team.

It's worth noting that the last time Notre Dame held their first two opponents to a total of six points was in 1975. That was a long time ago, and this defense doesn't have the same star players as that team did. But they do have players like JD Bertrand and Jordan Botelho who are stepping up.

While the Notre Dame fan base is in love with the Irish offense, they haven't fallen for the defense just yet. But this Saturday could be the day that changes. Coordinator Al Golden and head coach Marcus Freeman have both expressed their satisfaction with the defense's performance so far, but they also acknowledge that there's room for improvement. The front four, linebackers, and secondary all need to step up their game.

In the first two drives of their first two games, the defense seemed shaky and had some missed assignments. But they didn't let that affect their performance overall. They know they need to tackle better and put more pressure on the quarterback. A three-and-out to start the game would be a great way to set the tone.

One positive for the defense is that they have the same coordinator for the second year in a row. Last year, they had their third coordinator in three years, which made it difficult for the players to learn and execute the game plan. But now, they're all on the same page and able to communicate effectively.

After the first series of both games, the defense has played more confidently and made the necessary adjustments. They trust what they're taught and what they see on the field. So far, they've been one of the best defenses in the country in terms of scoring, pass efficiency, total defense, and pass defense. The red zone efficiency has also improved significantly from last year.

Many players have contributed to the defense's success, with 25 players recording at least one tackle against Tennessee State. This week, sophomore end Joshua Burnham and graduate safety Thomas Harper spoke to the media, showing that the team has depth and talent beyond their veteran players.

Unlike their season opener in Dublin, the team won't be staying overnight in Raleigh for their game against North Carolina State. They'll return home in time for dinner. The big question is whether they'll return home hungry for another win or if their defense will be exposed. We'll find out soon enough.

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