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Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville defends blocking numerous US military promotions

Tommy Tuberville, an Alabama Republican senator, has blocked over 300 military promotions due to his opposition to the Pentagon's abortion policies and what he perceives as "woke" sentiment among officers. If the block continues, it could affect up to 650 promotions by the end of the year, potentially damaging national security. Tuberville's actions have drawn criticism from civilian military leaders, who argue that the hold is unfair to the officers and their families and is putting military readiness at risk.

Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville's hold on Senate confirmation votes has stalled 301 U.S. military promotions, and this number could increase to 650 by the end of the year. Tuberville's complaint is now twofold, as he has added his opposition to "woke" sentiment among officers in line for top jobs to his previous crusade against the Pentagon's abortion policies. The Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Air Force, and Secretary of the Army have warned that Tuberville's hold on these promotions is unfair to military leaders and their families and is putting national security at risk. Tuberville's office is also citing claims by the American Accountability Foundation, a conservative organization, which has identified officers up for promotion who have supported diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts within the military. Defense officials argue that Tuberville's holds are damaging military readiness and officer morale. The showdown highlights the increasing polarization of the U.S. military in the country's culture wars.

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