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Financial Loss: INR 2600 Crore Cyberattack Impact in India - Eastern Mirror

The director of NIELIT Kohima has warned the public about the dangers of cybercrime, emphasizing the importance of user behavior in preventing attacks. He also highlighted the launch of the ICSAS app, which aims to educate users about cyber threats. The director urged users to be cautious about clicking unknown links and to be mindful of what they share online. He also provided tips for staying safe, such as keeping software updated, using strong passwords, and being aware of phishing attacks. With India having a large number of internet users, the director stressed the need for cyber security education and awareness.

In today's digital world, where technology plays a significant role in our daily lives, it is crucial to be aware of the dangers that exist in cyberspace. According to L Lanuwabang, the Director of the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) in Kohima, 90% of cybercrime occurs due to user behavior. In order to safely navigate and participate in the online world, it is essential to understand the risks involved.

Lanuwabang emphasized the importance of user security in his discussion about the 'Initiative for cyber secure aware society (ICSAS)', an application developed by NIELIT Kohima. He stated that security comes from the users themselves, rather than relying solely on expensive mobile phones or antivirus software. The ICSAS app was recently launched at the G20 digital economy working group meet in Bengaluru.

The first line of defense in cybersecurity is the user. Lanuwabang stressed the need for individuals to be aware and informed about various threats. NIELIT, as the scientific and capacity-building arm of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, is actively educating citizens about cybersecurity in different areas.

To protect themselves from cybercrime, users should exercise caution when clicking on unknown links shared on their mobile phones. Phishing mechanisms are a common method used by cybercriminals to carry out attacks. Lanuwabang warned that if a user unknowingly clicks on a fraudulent link, it can have serious consequences for an entire organization. Therefore, user awareness is vital, and the development of the ICSAS app aims to address this need.

Furthermore, individuals should be cautious about what they upload to the internet, as once something is posted online, it can leave a permanent digital footprint. Lanuwabang highlighted that India has the second largest number of internet users, with mobile phones being the primary device used to access the internet. The threat of cybercrime is significant, with reports indicating a high number of financial frauds and scams occurring in the country.

In India, an average of 133 cybercrimes are committed every minute, and around 20,000 scams are reported daily. However, many cases likely go unreported due to a lack of knowledge on how and where to report, fear of victimization, and concerns about damaging an organization's reputation. Lanuwabang emphasized the importance of giving back to society by addressing these issues.

To protect oneself from cyber attacks, Lanuwabang suggested several measures. First, it is essential to keep software and operating systems updated, as company-released software is not foolproof. Additionally, users should utilize cybersecurity tools such as antivirus software. One of the most common cyber attacks is phishing, where fraudulent links are used to deceive users. Therefore, it is crucial to exercise caution and refrain from clicking on suspicious links.

Users should also be mindful of the content they share on social media platforms and consider making their accounts private or limited to a close circle. Criminals often target individuals based on the information they share online. Furthermore, using strong and frequently changed passwords is advised to enhance security.

In conclusion, Lanuwabang emphasized that knowledge is the best defense in the digital realm. Cybersecurity education and awareness play a crucial role in protecting oneself from cyber threats. By being proactive and informed, individuals can contribute to creating a safer cyberspace for everyone.

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