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Paris Jackson Criticizes Armpit Hair Detractors, Reveals Long-Term Non-Shaving Habit

Paris Jackson shuts down trolls criticizing her armpit hair, telling them to "get over yourselves."

Paris Jackson has responded to trolls who criticized her for showing off her armpit hair, urging them to "get over themselves." The 25-year-old faced negative comments about her body hair when she posted a tribute to her late father, Michael Jackson, on what would have been his 65th birthday. In an Instagram video, Paris lifted her arms above her head, revealing her armpit hair, while discussing her dad's birthday. Online critics quickly took to the comment section to mock her for it, with one person demanding that she shave her armpits and another claiming that shaving armpits is a matter of cleanliness.

Paris took to Twitter to respond to the haters, stating that she wasn't trying to show off her armpit hair and explaining that she hadn't shaved it for years and often forgets it's there. She urged the critics to get over themselves and jokingly added that she was pulling up her hair to show her "glass cutting jawline." Her supportive fans praised her decision, with one person calling those who judge armpit hair "silly" and expressing pride in Paris for being herself.

Paris, who is Michael's only daughter and is pursuing a singing career, also addressed her dad's fans in the original birthday tribute. She revealed that Michael "hated anybody acknowledging his birthday" when he was alive. However, she felt compelled to publicly wish him a happy birthday due to backlash from his fans in the past, including death threats. Paris explained that not posting anything for her dad's birthday led people to question her love for him based on her Instagram activity. She concluded the tribute with a clip of her performing and expressing her gratitude to her father.

Overall, Paris Jackson's response to the criticism she faced for her armpit hair highlights the importance of embracing one's natural self and not succumbing to societal beauty standards. She confidently defended her choices and received support from her fans, emphasizing the need to prioritize self-acceptance and individuality.

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