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Mumbai City FC vs Mohun Bagan: Mariners' Durand Cup semis challenge

Clash of Giants as Mohun Bagan Super Giant takes on Mumbai City FC in a red-hot Durand Cup Quarterfinals clash.

The stage is set for an epic clash between two football giants, Mohun Bagan Super Giant and Mumbai City FC, at the iconic Vivekananda Yuba Bharati Krirangan (VYBK) in Kolkata. This highly anticipated quarterfinal match of the 132nd IndianOil Durand Cup promises to be a thrilling encounter. Kick-off is at 6.00 PM (IST).

Both teams have had their fair share of triumphs and challenges leading up to this game. Mumbai City FC, the reigning champions of the Indian Super League (ISL), have displayed their quality and depth as a side in their recent matches against the Bangladesh Army and Punjab FC. Despite a setback in the Kolkata derby against Emami East Bengal, they have bounced back with two impressive wins in the AFC Cup. The addition of attacking signing Jason Cummings has further strengthened their squad.

In a pre-match conversation, Mumbai City FC coach Juan Ferrando acknowledged the tough competition they face, stating, "Mumbai City FC are preparing for the AFC Champions League and we are preparing for the AFC Cup. So for both teams, this match is going to be a good practice match. Mumbai is a difficult opponent. We will try our best to win. But before playing, I would like to mention that Mumbai has had a break of ten days, while we have only had three days before this match."

On the other hand, Mohun Bagan Super Giant, playing on their home turf, is determined to make their mark in this tournament. With Des Buckingham at the helm, they have established themselves as a well-drilled and cohesive unit. The team boasts a strong lineup of talented Indian players and impressive foreign signings, as acknowledged by their coach and captain.

Des Buckingham expressed his satisfaction with the team's performance so far in the Durand Cup, stating, "In the three games we've had in the Durand Cup, we've tried quite a few different things. We had a chance to look at different players and different ways of doing certain things. It's been a good start, but that's all it's been. So I'm very happy with where we are at the moment and I'm very much looking forward to what's to come."

Football fans can catch all the action live on Sony LIV through the live streaming of the Mumbai City FC vs Mohun Bagan Super Giant match. The match will also be telecasted live on Sony Ten 2 as part of the Durand Cup 2023 Quarterfinal coverage.

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