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Real Madrid Backs CSD's Decision to Denounce Rubiales Before TAD

Luis Rubiales' speech at the RFEF Assembly has caused a stir, with Real Madrid supporting the decision to denounce him.

The recent speech by Luis Rubiales at the Extraordinary Assembly of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) has caused quite a commotion in the world of football and among the main Spanish professional clubs. In a surprising twist, Rubiales stated that he will not resign and believes he has done nothing wrong. He vows to fight until the end to defend himself, despite leaking information the day before that he planned to resign.

One of the clubs that has reacted strongly to Rubiales' speech is Real Madrid. They have issued a statement expressing their support for the decision of the Higher Sports Council (CSD) to denounce Rubiales for "very serious" events. They also state that if the Administrative Court of Sport (TAD) opens a file against Rubiales, they will suspend him from his functions. The president of the CSD, Víctor Francos, has requested an extraordinary meeting of the TAD to address the matter on Monday.

Real Madrid's statement reads, "Our club fully supports the decision launched by the president of the Higher Sports Council, Víctor Francos, who will immediately refer this case to the Administrative Court of Sports." They go on to explain that they have complete trust in the actions taken by the competent bodies, such as the Higher Sports Council, in handling this case.

In addition to their support for the CSD's actions, Real Madrid also emphasizes their commitment to the development and growth of women's football in Spain. They congratulate the players of the Spanish team for their recent victory in the World Cup and express their dedication to furthering the progress of women's football in the country.

It is worth noting that Real Madrid was not invited to the Assembly, as they are not a member of the RFEF assembly clubs. However, after closely following Rubiales' speech and the stance taken by the CSD, they felt compelled to issue a statement to make their position clear.

Overall, the script twist in Luis Rubiales' speech has sparked a wave of reactions in the football world. Real Madrid's support for the actions taken by the CSD and their commitment to women's football further adds to the ongoing discussions surrounding this matter.

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