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Struggler: Genesis Owusu's Bold Follow-Up to Hit Debut Album

Genesis Owusu, an Australian musician, has won numerous music awards and is now releasing his second LP, "Struggler," a concept album about the life of a cockroach. The album reflects on the chaotic world and the perseverance against overwhelming forces. Owusu, born to African parents in Australia, aims to showcase his genuine and authentic music to the world.

Genesis Owusu, a rising star in Australia's music scene, made waves with his debut album, Smiling With No Teeth, which garnered numerous awards and accolades. However, instead of basking in his success, Owusu decided to push himself further with his second album, Struggler. This ambitious concept album tells the story of a tortured cockroach, presenting its existence as an epic narrative that even includes a conversation with a higher power.

Owusu revealed that the album was heavily influenced by the chaotic and absurd world we have all experienced in recent years. From devastating bushfires to hailstorms and the global pandemic, the artist wanted to capture the feeling of persevering against overwhelming forces. The metaphor of the roach represents the helplessness one can feel in the face of these challenges. In the song "The Roach," the protagonist expresses vulnerability, hoping not to be knocked down by life's adversities.

The character of God in the album symbolizes the unrelenting and uncontrollable forces that should have crushed us long ago. Owusu reflects on how, against all odds, we continue to face these challenges and find the strength to keep going. In "Stay Blessed," the protagonist defiantly declares that even if they are killed, another roach will rise in their place.

Genesis Owusu, originally named Kofi Owusu-Ansah, was born to West African parents who moved the family to Australia when he was young. This relocation instantly made him an outsider, as he had never encountered white people before, and they had never encountered someone like him. He struggled to fit into the stereotypes associated with Black individuals in Australia at the time, feeling like neither a gangster nor a comedian. From an early age, he had to learn to be true to himself.

To please his parents, Owusu pursued a journalism degree in university, but his true passion was always music. He acknowledges the sacrifices his parents made to provide him and his brother with an education and wanted to show them his appreciation. While his debut album garnered success and his parents' approval, Owusu now aims to conquer the global music scene with Struggler. He no longer feels the need to prove himself to Australia and instead focuses on creating music that is genuine and authentic.

In conclusion, Genesis Owusu's journey in the music industry has been nothing short of remarkable. From his award-winning debut album to his ambitious concept album, he continues to challenge himself and push boundaries. Owusu's unique perspective and ability to capture the essence of perseverance against overwhelming odds make him a force to be reckoned with in the music world. As he sets his sights on international success, it's clear that Genesis Owusu is an artist who is here to stay.

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