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Insane Anthony Richardson decision made by Colts

Indianapolis Colts' decision to sit rookie quarterback Anthony Richardson during the preseason sparks controversy and questions about his development.

On August 12, 2023, the Indianapolis Colts made a surprising move by choosing to sit their rookie quarterback, Anthony Richardson, during a preseason game against the Bears. This decision has raised eyebrows, as Richardson is a highly touted player with immense potential.

Richardson was selected as the No. 4 overall pick in the 2023 NFL Draft, indicating that the Colts have high hopes for his future as an NFL quarterback. However, despite his need for valuable game-time experience to further develop his skills, the Colts have opted to keep him on the sidelines for the preseason.

Jordan Dajani of CBS Sports highlights the perplexing nature of this decision. Richardson is regarded as one of the most athletic quarterbacks to have ever participated in the NFL Combine, possessing both incredible physical abilities and a strong arm. However, his lack of polish as a passer is a concern, as he is still considered raw in that aspect of his game.

Dajani points out that Richardson's college career was relatively brief, with only 13 starts to his name. This is the fewest number of starts by a first-round quarterback since 2000, tying him with Mitch Trubisky. Additionally, Richardson's career completion percentage of 55% is the lowest for a first-round pick since Jake Locker in 2011. These statistics emphasize the need for Richardson to gain valuable reps and experience.

Given Richardson's limited experience compared to other quarterbacks in the league, the decision to sit him during the preseason seems even more puzzling. He is set to become one of the least experienced quarterbacks in NFL history, making it crucial for him to gain as much on-field experience as possible.

In conclusion, the Indianapolis Colts' choice to keep Anthony Richardson on the sidelines during the preseason has left many scratching their heads. As a highly talented yet raw quarterback, Richardson needs the opportunity to improve and refine his skills through game-time reps. This decision raises questions about the team's strategy and the development plan for their young quarterback.

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