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Sage Steele Alleges Barbara Walters Clash on The View

Former ESPN anchor Sage Steele claims that Barbara Walters physically attacked her backstage on The View in 2014, sparking controversy.

In a recent interview with Megyn Kelly, former ESPN anchor Sage Steele made shocking claims about being physically attacked by the late Barbara Walters backstage on The View in 2014. Steele vividly described the incident, stating that Walters approached her aggressively, backed up towards her, and elbowed her, causing her to be pushed into a wall and a trash can. Steele expressed her disbelief, saying, "What did [she] just do to me? This 140-year-old woman just tried to like tackle me."

According to Steele, some of the show producers and co-host Whoopi Goldberg witnessed the altercation. She praised Goldberg for her support, sharing that Goldberg pulled her aside and encouraged her not to let Walters get away with it. Steele couldn't help but feel like she was in a movie, as she realized that one of the legends in the industry had just attempted to physically harm her.

Barbara Walters, who co-created The View in 1997 and served as an executive producer until her passing in December, also responded to the allegations through a representative for the Walters estate. The representative expressed disbelief and stated that such behavior was uncharacteristic of Barbara. The View, on the other hand, has not yet responded to requests for comment.

Steele revealed that the altercation occurred after a segment where Walters questioned her decision not to identify as Black, similar to Barack Obama. Both Steele and Obama are biracial, and Steele had previously faced controversy in 2021 for her comments on Jay Cutler's podcast. She referred to Obama's choice to identify as Black as "fascinating" due to the absence of his Black father. Additionally, she made critical remarks about ESPN's COVID-19 vaccine mandates and the way some women dress. As a result, ESPN placed Steele on leave, leading her to file a lawsuit claiming a violation of her right to free speech. Steele recently announced that she has settled the complaint and officially parted ways with ESPN.

This shocking revelation from Sage Steele sheds light on a troubling incident behind the scenes of The View. It raises questions about workplace dynamics, power dynamics, and the treatment of individuals within the media industry. The allegations against Barbara Walters, a highly respected figure in the industry, add complexity to the situation. As the story continues to unfold, it serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing and preventing workplace harassment and ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all individuals.

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