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Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Released on PC, Switch - PS, Xbox Coming Soon

Team Reptile has released Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, a spiritual successor to the Jet Set Radio series, featuring tagging, inline skating, and a rich trick system. The game is available on Switch and Steam, with discounts and additional deals available. The PlayStation and Xbox versions will launch on September 1.

It has been more than two decades since the last installment of the Jet Set Radio series graced the gaming world with its stylish and exhilarating gameplay. However, fans of the series can rejoice as Team Reptile has been diligently working on a spiritual successor that not only pays homage to its predecessors but also brings its own unique flair to the table. Enter Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, a game that promises to deliver the same adrenaline rush and funky vibes that made Jet Set Radio a beloved franchise.

From the moment Bomb Rush Cyberfunk was showcased in action, it was evident that the development team aimed to capture the essence of what made Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future so captivating. The game retains the core elements of tagging and inline skating, reminiscent of Sega's classics. However, it also introduces new features such as free-roaming and the ability to utilize other vehicles like skateboards and bikes. Moreover, the trick system has been enhanced, offering players a richer and more satisfying experience. One notable improvement is the removal of the limited spray cans as a resource, ensuring that players never find themselves in a predicament where they run out during intense battles.

Visually, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk ticks all the right boxes, boasting graphics that are sure to impress. The game's soundtrack also maintains the same funky-fresh vibe that defined its predecessors, ensuring that players are immersed in a vibrant and energetic world even in 2023.

For those interested in purchasing the game, it is available for $39.99 on the Switch eShop and Steam. However, there are additional deals and discounts available for PC players. Humble Store offers a 20% discount, bringing the price down to $31.99 for Humble Choice members. This is currently the lowest overall price for the game. Fanatical also provides a 10% discount, and purchasing the game for over $12 entitles players to a randomly-chosen, "overwhelmingly positive"-reviewed game on Steam for free. With these offers, players may find themselves getting more than they bargained for. Opting for the Steam version also grants access to all of the game's current content, including the Base and Jay story DLC and the OST, for $59.97. Alternatively, the DLC itself can be purchased separately for $19.98.

While the PlayStation and Xbox versions of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk are set to launch on September 1, it remains uncertain whether these consoles will receive the same DLC as the PC version. It is worth noting that the absence of DLC listings for the Switch version, particularly the Lethal League character DLC, raises some questions. Only time will reveal how this situation unfolds. However, for now, it is evident that the best value lies in purchasing the game for PC. Not only is it Deck-Verified, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience, but it also runs seamlessly on the ROG Ally. Additionally, the vibrant colors of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk truly come to life on the portable mode of the Switch.

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