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João Cancelo's Move to Barcelona Imminent as Manchester City Negotiations Progress

Barcelona is in advanced negotiations with Manchester City for João Cancelo, and a deal is just a matter of time. City may agree to pay part of Cancelo's salary, and Barça will have a buy option instead of a mandatory clause.

Barcelona's pursuit of João Cancelo as their top right-back target seems to be nearing a successful conclusion. Although it has taken longer than expected, advanced negotiations between Barcelona and Manchester City indicate that the transfer is almost a done deal. According to the latest report from renowned journalist Fabrizio Romano, it is only a matter of time before Cancelo joins Barcelona.

Romano's report provides further positive news for Barcelona. The two clubs are currently finalizing the loan fee and what Romano refers to as "salary coverage." This suggests that Manchester City is willing to contribute to Cancelo's salary, enabling Barcelona to accommodate him within their wage structure and La Liga's salary cap. The player's strong desire to join Barcelona has played a significant role in City's willingness to accept these terms.

Perhaps the most significant development is that Barcelona will have the option to buy Cancelo, rather than being obligated to do so as initially proposed by City. While the exact amount for the buy option has yet to be determined, with City reportedly seeking at least €60 million, the fact that it is not mandatory provides Barcelona with greater flexibility. This flexibility is crucial, as it allows Barcelona to assess Cancelo's performance and determine if he truly lives up to the expectations of being a world-class right-back, which both Xavi and the fans are eagerly anticipating.

With Romano's report, Barcelona fans can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that the deal is progressing positively. It seems that an official announcement and the sight of Cancelo donning the Blaugrana shirt might not be too far away. The anticipation is building, and soon we will witness whether Cancelo can fulfill his potential and become a valuable asset for Barcelona.

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