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"The Blind Side Tuohy Family Countersued by NFL Star in Absurd and Hurtful Lawsuit"

NFL star Michael Oher has filed a petition claiming that the family who inspired the film The Blind Side misled him about his adoption and enriched themselves at his expense. Oher has asked for the conservatorship to be terminated and for a full accounting of the money earned from his story. The family denies the claims, calling them "hurtful and absurd."

The family that took in NFL star Michael Oher, whose story inspired the film The Blind Side, has responded to his claims that they misled him about his adoption and profited from his story. Oher, now 37, has filed a petition to terminate the conservatorship placed on him by Leigh Anne Tuohy and Sean Tuohy, and has requested a full accounting of the money earned from his name and story. The Tuohys allegedly used their position as conservators to negotiate a deal for themselves and their biological children to be paid for the film, while Oher received nothing. The movie, released in 2009, grossed over $309 million at the box office and was nominated for two Academy Awards. Oher discovered the alleged lie about his adoption in February 2023. The Tuohys have denied Oher's claims, calling them "hurtful and absurd." They stated that they have always treated Oher like a son and have been transparent about the conservatorship. Oher's representatives have issued a statement expressing confidence in the judicial system and hoping for a quick resolution.

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