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Cecily Aguilar receives 30-year sentence in Vanessa Guillen case

Cecily Aguilar, who pleaded guilty to accessory to murder in the Vanessa Guillén case, has been sentenced to 30 years in prison.

Cecily Aguilar, the individual who admitted guilt to one count of accessory to murder after the fact and three other charges in the 2020 killing of U.S. Army Specialist Vanessa Guillén, has been handed a 30-year prison sentence, as confirmed by the U.S. Attorney's Office, Western District of Texas on Monday.

U.S. Attorney Jaime Esparza for the Western District of Texas expressed hope that the sentence would bring relief and justice to the Guillen family, who have endured immense pain over the past few years. Esparza emphasized the indefensibility of Aguilar's actions and highlighted that she would now face the maximum penalty for her choices. He also expressed gratitude towards the law enforcement partners who worked tirelessly on the case, acknowledging their crucial role in ensuring that the defendant faced justice.

The sentencing took place in Waco, Texas, and focused on Aguilar's involvement in the 2020 murder of Guillén. Having pleaded guilty in 2022 to one count of accessory to murder after the fact and three other charges, Aguilar faced a potential sentence of up to 30 years in prison and a fine of $1 million.

In 2021, Aguilar was indicted on 11 federal charges related to assisting her then-boyfriend, Army Specialist Aaron Robinson, in unlawfully altering, destroying, mutilating, and concealing Vanessa Guillén's body. The intent behind these actions was to prevent Robinson from being charged with bludgeoning Guillén to death with a hammer in the armory of the Fort Cavazos military base in April 2020. Guillén's remains were discovered two months later.

Following the revelation that Robinson was the last person in contact with Guillén before her murder, authorities attempted to approach him in 2020. However, Robinson died by suicide. Aguilar was swiftly apprehended and charged with conspiracy to tamper with evidence. She was indicted just 12 days later, marking a significant development in the case.

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