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Liverpool U-turn: Inside Moises Caicedo's 3am transfer auction deal

Liverpool have agreed to pay a British record fee of £110m for Moises Caicedo, after a dramatic transfer saga.

Liverpool Football Club has made a groundbreaking move in the transfer market by agreeing to pay a record-breaking fee of £110m for Moises Caicedo. The negotiations unfolded in a dramatic fashion throughout the night, showcasing Liverpool's determination to secure the midfielder's signature.

Despite not having spoken to Caicedo yet, Liverpool find themselves in a prime position to sign him. Personal terms have not been agreed upon, but the Anfield club's assertiveness has put them ahead of other interested parties.

Initially, Brighton had set a deadline for Thursday midnight for final offers from potential suitors. Liverpool hesitated to bid, believing that Caicedo's preference was to join Chelsea. However, the player's representatives encouraged Liverpool to make a formal offer, turning the situation into an auction. Liverpool's bid, which includes bonuses tied to achievements, could potentially reach the record-breaking figure of £110m, surpassing Chelsea's offer of £100m.

Late into the night, Brighton accepted Liverpool's offer, prompting the Merseyside club to swiftly submit the necessary paperwork to initiate the transfer process and prevent any last-minute surprises.

Caicedo wasted no time and immediately scheduled a medical examination. He is set to travel to Merseyside on Friday morning to begin the process and, remarkably, engage in negotiations with a club he has not previously spoken to.

Jurgen Klopp, Liverpool's manager, is expected to have a conversation with Caicedo on Friday morning. The aim is to swiftly finalize the negotiations, allowing the player to sign the agreement by the end of the day, provided there are no complications with the medical examination.

If the deal goes through, it will be a significant victory for Liverpool. They have been monitoring Caicedo from a distance throughout the summer but refrained from participating in any bidding wars due to their belief that the player was set on joining Chelsea. However, the situation changed dramatically on Thursday night, allowing Liverpool to make a stunning late bid and outmaneuver Chelsea just minutes before the midnight deadline.

While Klopp hopes to expedite the deal, it is unlikely that Caicedo will be available to play in Liverpool's opening Premier League match of the season, which ironically is against Chelsea on Sunday.

In conclusion, Liverpool's pursuit of Moises Caicedo has taken an unexpected turn, resulting in a potential transfer coup. The club's boldness and determination have positioned them as frontrunners in securing the talented midfielder's services. If successful, this landmark signing will undoubtedly make waves in the football world.

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