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Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Celebrates Whitney Houston's 60th Birthday

Whitney Houston's 60th birthday celebrated with new artifact from her closet at Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

Whitney Houston, the legendary singer and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee, would have turned 60 years old today. To commemorate her birthday, the Hall of Fame has unveiled a new addition to their Legends of Rock exhibit - a jacket designed by Houston herself in collaboration with Marc Bouwer. The jacket features the song titles from her third studio album, I'm Your Baby Tonight, embellished with exquisite beading by Bouwer. This album showcased a funkier and more soulful sound, with collaborations with music icons such as Stevie Wonder, Luther Vandross, and Babyface.

In addition to the new artifact, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has also launched the Whitney Houston Collection on their educational platform, Rock Hall EDU. This collection aims to introduce learners to Houston's iconic vocal sound and her immense impact on the music industry.

Houston, who was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2020, is widely regarded as the "greatest singer of her generation." Her musical accomplishments are unparalleled, and her voice was both versatile and powerful. She had a unique ability to incorporate various stylistic elements into her music, making her catalog truly remarkable.

If you're a fan of Whitney Houston or simply interested in exploring her musical legacy, make sure to visit the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio. The exhibit featuring the new artifact will be open to the public starting today, August 9th, as a celebration of Whitney's enduring legacy and extraordinary talents.

Happy 60th birthday to the late, great Whitney Houston!

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