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Kareem Hunt visiting Colts following time with Saints

The New Orleans Saints are considering signing running back Kareem Hunt after Alvin Kamara's suspension. Hunt may also visit the Indianapolis Colts.

The New Orleans Saints are facing the challenge of playing without their star running back, Alvin Kamara, who has been suspended for three games by the NFL. In response, the team has reportedly worked out Kareem Hunt, a running back who most recently played for the Cleveland Browns. Hunt, 28, had a successful season last year, rushing for 468 yards and three touchdowns, and also making 35 catches for 210 yards and one receiving touchdown in 17 games.

The potential signing of Hunt would provide relief for Jamaal Williams and rookie Kendre Miller, who are expected to fill in for Kamara during his suspension. Hunt has proven himself as a valuable complementary back in recent seasons, particularly when paired with Nick Chubb in Cleveland, forming one of the league's strongest backfields. With the Saints, Hunt could potentially find himself in a similar role, especially once Kamara returns from suspension.

It is worth noting that Kamara's suspension stems from an incident in which he allegedly fought a man at a Las Vegas nightclub during Pro Bowl weekend in 2022. Following a meeting with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, Kamara expressed remorse for his actions, acknowledging that he made a "bad decision" and was "completely wrong." He will be eligible to rejoin the team for their Week 4 game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on October 1.

While there were reports suggesting that Hunt would sign with the Saints, it appears that he will first visit the Indianapolis Colts. This visit comes at a time when Colts running back Jonathan Taylor is seeking a contract extension and tensions have arisen between him and Colts owner Jim Irsay. If the Colts do sign Hunt, he could serve as insurance in case Taylor is unable to play or gets traded.

Hunt's recent experience as a complementary back makes him a valuable asset wherever he signs. In New Orleans, he would likely pair with Jamaal Williams during Kamara's suspension. However, once Kamara returns, it remains uncertain how the carries would be divided between the three players. In the case of the Colts, Hunt's role would depend on Taylor's availability. If Taylor is unable to play or gets traded, Hunt would likely become the team's starting running back. However, if Taylor does return, Hunt's workload may be limited, with Taylor receiving the majority of the work.

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