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Jaguars Trevor Lawrence Excited by Justyn Ross Highlights at Chiefs Camp

Former Clemson wide receiver Justyn Ross has been impressing at Chiefs training camp after missing the 2022 season due to foot surgery. His highlights have caught the attention of former teammate and current Jaguars quarterback Trevor Lawrence, who is thrilled for Ross's success.

Since the Chiefs began their training camp in St. Joseph last month, there has been a constant flow of exciting moments shared on social media. Among these highlights, wide receiver Justyn Ross has been particularly impressive. After missing the entire 2022 season due to foot surgery, Ross joined the Chiefs as an undrafted free agent from Clemson last summer.

During his time in college, Ross displayed exceptional talent early on, but unfortunately, he faced setbacks such as a congenital fusion in his spine and a stress fracture in his foot, which affected his final season in 2021. However, at the age of 23, Ross has shown remarkable signs of recovery and has been turning heads at Chiefs training camp with his outstanding plays.

Interestingly, Ross's highlights have also caught the attention of NFL quarterback Trevor Lawrence, who currently plays for the Jacksonville Jaguars. Lawrence and Ross were former teammates at Clemson, and Lawrence couldn't be happier to see his friend thriving at Chiefs camp.

Expressing his joy, Lawrence said, "It makes me feel happy for him. I played with him, I know him really well. We came in together at Clemson. Great player, great player, and just the person he is. He's got a great work ethic and to see obviously the battles he has had to go through, some of the adversity. It's cool to see him kind of getting this opportunity and I hope he continues to play well and takes it and runs and the Chiefs use him well. I think they will."

Lawrence's words reflect his genuine excitement for Ross's success and his belief in the talent and character that his friend possesses. Having witnessed Ross's exceptional skills countless times during their practices at Clemson, Lawrence is not surprised by the highlights he's been seeing. However, seeing Ross seize this opportunity fills him with happiness and anticipation for what lies ahead for his friend.

In conclusion, the Chiefs' training camp has been marked by a series of remarkable moments, with Justyn Ross's impressive performances standing out among them. As a former teammate, Trevor Lawrence is overjoyed to witness Ross's progress and hopes for his continued success with the Chiefs. The story of Ross's journey, overcoming adversity and seizing the opportunity, is truly inspiring, and Lawrence's support and encouragement only add to the excitement surrounding Ross's future in the NFL.

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