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Odd Carson Wentz workout photo emerges as QB seeks new contract

Carson Wentz, former NFL quarterback, is seen working out in a Frankenstein costume with memorabilia from his previous teams.

In 2016, Carson Wentz made a significant impact when he was chosen as the No. 2 pick in the NFL Draft by the Philadelphia Eagles. The Eagles traded their eighth pick, a future first-round selection, and three other draft choices to acquire the former NDSU quarterback. This move initially proved successful, as Wentz quickly established himself as a Pro Bowl QB and even became a finalist for the MVP award in his second season.

However, Wentz's journey took a turn for the worse as he faced a series of injuries that hindered his performance and provided opportunities for other players to shine in the eyes of his Eagles teammates. This led to his departure from Philadelphia, as he moved on to play for the Indianapolis Colts for a season before eventually joining the Washington Commanders in 2022.

Unfortunately, Wentz's starting role with the Commanders didn't last long either. At the end of the season, the team released the former first-round pick, leaving Wentz as a free agent since February 27. Surprisingly, he has yet to visit any of the 32 NFL teams during the free agency period.

However, on Sunday, there was a glimpse of hope for the 30-year-old quarterback as he was seen working out, determined to find a new team. What caught everyone's attention was his attire during the workout session. Wentz was spotted wearing a unique ensemble that combined memorabilia from each of his previous teams, resembling a Frankenstein costume.

In the picture, Wentz sported an Eagles helmet, a Commanders jersey, and Colts shorts. This peculiar outfit sparked speculation about the possibility of him adding a fourth team to his collection instead of dividing his loyalty between three organizations.

Wentz is currently one of the most sought-after free agent quarterbacks in the market. However, unlike previous years, he enters the upcoming season without the guarantee of a starting role. This marks a significant shift for the talented quarterback, who hails from Raleigh, North Carolina, as he embarks on his eighth NFL season.

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