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Impact of Pac-12 Implosion on UNLV Uncertain, Former AD Says

The defection of six Pac-12 schools raises questions for UNLV's quest to join a Power Five conference.

The recent defection of six schools from the Pac-12 conference has raised questions about the impact on UNLV, a member of the Mountain West conference, and its aspirations to join a Power Five conference. Erick Harper, the athletic director of UNLV, was unavailable for comment, but former AD Jim Livengood expressed uncertainty about the situation, acknowledging the complexity of the issue and the need to find the next step.

With Oregon and Washington joining the Big Ten and Colorado, Arizona, Arizona State, and Utah heading to the Big 12, only four Pac-12 schools remain without committed homes for the 2024-25 season. Stanford, California, Oregon State, and Washington State have yet to announce their decisions to either stay in the Pac-12 or join another conference.

The Mountain West conference seems like a viable option for the four remaining Pac-12 schools. Livengood, who has extensive experience in the Pac-12 as the athletic director at Washington State and Arizona, believes that all four schools would be a good fit for the Mountain West if that's the direction they choose.

However, the question remains whether a combined conference should adopt the Pac-12 name or retain the Mountain West identity. Commissioner Gloria Nevarez has stated that the Mountain West is constantly evaluating potential expansion candidates, indicating that they are open to considering new members.

For UNLV, the path to the Power Five conference is not clear at the moment, unless a combined Pac-12 and Mountain West conference qualifies. Nevertheless, Livengood believes that UNLV is in a favorable position due to the Las Vegas market. He also expressed confidence in the leadership of individuals like Harper, football coach Barry Odom, men's basketball coach Kevin Kruger, and women's basketball coach Lindy La Rocque.

Livengood understands why many Pac-12 schools have chosen to switch conferences, citing reasons such as financial considerations, exposure, and stability. However, he sympathizes with the fans of Cal, Stanford, Oregon State, and Washington State, who are now uncertain about the future of their schools. Livengood finds it difficult to comprehend the emotions and thoughts that must be running through their minds during this tumultuous period.

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