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Tired of Dating Apps? Try Google Docs for a Refreshing Change

"Date-me docs" are emerging as a new dating trend, with users creating detailed profiles on Google Docs to find love.

In the world of online dating, a new trend is emerging: the "date-me doc." These documents, which resemble long, detailed dating profiles, are becoming increasingly popular among those who are tired of the superficiality of swipe-based dating apps. Instead of relying on algorithms and quick judgments, people are turning to Google Docs to create comprehensive profiles that offer a more meaningful connection.

One such person is Connie Li, a software engineer who, after going through a breakup, decided to give dating apps another try. However, she quickly realized that many of the men she encountered were only interested in something casual. In an effort to find something more substantial, she created her own profile in a Google Docs file, describing herself in great detail. She shared this "date-me doc" on social media, and the responses started pouring in.

The popularity of "date-me docs" comes at a time when many people are experiencing burnout from dating apps. The top dating apps saw a decline in user growth last year, leading some to seek alternative ways of finding love. "Date-me docs" offer a unique solution, combining the format of old-school personal ads with the convenience of modern technology.

While it's difficult to determine exactly how many "date-me docs" exist, as some people choose to keep their profiles private, there are databases with hundreds of profiles from cities all over the world. These documents can vary in structure, but they typically include basic information such as age, gender, and sexual orientation, as well as hobbies, interests, and the writer's best and worst attributes. Some "date-me docs" even resemble polished websites, complete with design elements and music tracks.

For many, creating a "date-me doc" is a way to stand out from the crowd and offer a more authentic representation of themselves. José Luis Ricón, a biotech worker in Silicon Valley, decided to create a "date-me doc" after a string of disappointing dates from dating apps. He found that these documents allowed for a deeper connection right from the start, as he shared common interests with other "date-me doc" creators in his extended social network.

While dating apps can be successful for some, there is a growing dissatisfaction among users. According to a Pew survey, nearly half of dating app users reported negative experiences, with women being more likely to experience harassment or offensive messages. This has led many to seek alternative methods of finding love, such as "date-me docs."

However, "date-me docs" are not without their challenges. Some people struggle with finding the right balance between sharing enough information and oversharing. It's important to highlight why one would be a good person to date, rather than focusing solely on flaws or criticisms. Despite these challenges, many people have found success with "date-me docs" and continue to date those who have reached out to them after reading their profiles.

It's worth noting that "date-me docs" are not for everyone. They require a certain level of comfort with sharing personal information online and being part of an open-source culture. However, for those who are tired of the traditional methods of finding a partner, "date-me docs" offer a more efficient and authentic way to connect with others.

In conclusion, "date-me docs" are an emerging trend in the world of online dating. These comprehensive profiles offer a more meaningful connection than swipe-based apps, allowing individuals to share more about themselves and find common ground with potential matches. While they may not be for everyone, "date-me docs" provide an alternative to the superficiality of dating apps and offer a more authentic way to find love.

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