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Cedar Point Reveals Design for Top Thrill Dragster Version 2.0

Cedar Point's Top Thrill Dragster is getting a sequel in 2024, with the Top Thrill 2 offering a longer, more thrilling experience. The new coaster will have three launch points, two vertical towers, and a backward drop. It will be the world's tallest and fastest triple launch strata coaster. The original Dragster was shut down in 2021 after a safety incident. Fans have mixed reactions to the new ride's name.

Cedar Point's Top Thrill Dragster, once the tallest coaster in the world, was not as terrifying as one might expect due to its short duration of only 17 seconds. This quick adrenaline rush left riders with no time to process what was happening. However, there was always a fear among riders that the coaster would not clear its 400-foot hill, resulting in a "rollback" where the car would fall back down.

To address this and provide a more exhilarating experience, Cedar Point announced the introduction of the Top Thrill 2, a revamped coaster set to debut in 2024. This new ride will have a duration of two minutes and feature three launch points, two vertical towers, and a deliberate backward drop. The ride will begin with a rollback after the initial launch, followed by a backward journey over the new vertical tower, and finally a forward launch at a speed of 120 mph towards the finish line.

Although the Top Thrill Dragster lost its title as the tallest coaster in 2005 to the Kingda Ka at Six Flags Great Adventure, the Top Thrill 2 will still hold the distinction of being the second tallest coaster in the world, with its second tower reaching a height of 420 feet. Cedar Point proudly claims that it will be the "world's tallest and fastest triple launch strata coaster" and the only vertical speedway in existence.

The retirement of the original Dragster in 2021 was not directly caused by an incident where a metal bracket flew off and injured a Michigan resident. However, this incident did lead to the ride's closure. In September 2022, Cedar Point reassured fans through social media that they were working on creating a new and reimagined experience for the beloved rollercoaster.

The Top Thrill 2 certainly lives up to these promises. Its upgraded entrance pavilion introduces a motorsports theme called "CP Racing." The amusement park is actively seeking new crew members who are willing to challenge and defy gravity, hinting at the thrilling nature of the ride. While many fans expressed their excitement on Twitter, some were disappointed with the coaster's name, deeming it "boring" and suggesting that a better name could have been chosen. However, the new title effectively communicates that the Top Thrill 2 is a sequel to the beloved predecessor.

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