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"Good Omens Season-Finale: Get Ready as 'Something's Getting Closer'"

"Good Omens" Season 2 finale reveals a surprising romance between Gabriel and Beelzebub, leaving fans wanting more.

I had a feeling that Gabriel was in love, and my suspicion was that it was with Beelzebub. The way they seemed out of sorts when Gabriel was missing gave it away. The mystery surrounding their relationship was addressed in a satisfying way for me, but the situation with our boys was less so.

I must commend the Good Omens team for coming up with something even more blasphemous than season one. Those who would be offended by such content would be extremely mad. They might have already written off the show for how it treated Revelations before. Additionally, some people might not be happy about the portrayal of gay characters. But the idea of an archangel and a Duke of Hell being in a romantic relationship is on a whole different level. It's like something out of an Anne Rice novel. Congratulations to the creators for pushing the boundaries.

Before the big reveal, there were several smaller reveals. While Nina, Maggie, and Aziraphale were fending off the demonic horde with an absurd number of fire extinguishers, Crowley and Muriel were on a mission to uncover the truth. Muriel didn't have the clearance to open the files Crowley needed, but he did. It seems that Heaven never changes its passwords. Those who have undergone security training at a large corporation would know that hell has invented anti-phishing protocols. Maybe Heaven could learn a thing or two from them.

Crowley discovers that Gabriel wasn't on board with the latest plan for Armageddon. He rejected it, but we still don't know why. However, this was enough for Gabriel to be removed from his position. He seemed almost happy about the prospect of being cast down as a demon, but instead, he was only demoted. To avoid going through with the demotion, he hides his memories in a matchbox and descends to Earth in the nude. I'm not sure why the nudity was important to the plan, but I appreciate the comedic effect. Crowley witnesses Gabriel placing something in the large box he brought to Aziraphale's, so they all head back to Earth to find out what's inside. The heavenly gang tags along as well.

It's a good thing that Heaven is coming down to Earth because Hell is also making its way up. In defense of his human friends, Aziraphale performs "the thing with the halo," which could be seen as an act of war against Hell. The fire extinguishers manage to hold off the demons for a while, providing some entertaining moments as the demons are repeatedly sent back to the material plane. But desperate times call for desperate measures. Thankfully, Crowley uncovers the mystery surrounding Jimriel in a way that implicates both Heaven and Hell on a systemic level.

Crowley realizes that Gabriel left a note to himself on the empty box, saying "I'm in the fly." Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies, is able to locate the one fly in Aziraphale's bookshop. By burrowing into Jim's pupil, we learn what led Gabriel down this path.

Now, let's talk about the third romance of this season. Gabriel and Beelzebub come to an understanding in Edinburgh: no more attempts to bring about the end of the world. They also discover that they both enjoy the song "Everyday" by Buddy Holly, which becomes their song. It's a cute moment that made me pause and clap like an idiot.

Gabriel and Beelzebub seem to understand their feelings much earlier than Crowley and Aziraphale. But it's always easier for the second person to climb a mountain, you know? They decide to go off to a nebula together, and that's the end of that. Beelzebub's departure creates a vacancy in Hell, which Shax is happy about. As for Gabriel's vacancy, that remains to be seen.

Oh, by the way, Metatron makes an appearance. Derek Jacobi portrays him perfectly, with his know-it-all demeanor and uptightness. Also, I think he might be the oldest person ever to order an oat-milk latte. Once Heaven and Hell go their separate ways, Metatron has a quick conversation with Aziraphale. Meanwhile, Nina and Maggie are determined to bring Crowley and Aziraphale closer together, just like they were at the ball. It's time for Crowley to express his true feelings. Or is it?

Remember when I mentioned that it couldn't be more penultimate if Aziraphale got a job that sent him to Paris? Well, guess what? He's offered a job that would send him to Paris. Metatron wants him to be the new Head Archangel in Charge in Heaven, and he's willing to turn Crowley back into an angel as part of the deal. Poor Crowley is so excited about this plan that allows him to have the best of both worlds. However, he refuses to go along with it. Even though he didn't fall from grace like other angels, he has legitimate grievances against Heaven. And rightfully so! This season has portrayed Heaven in an even worse light than before, highlighting the arbitrary nature of good and evil as dictated by organized religion. Crowley wants to stay where there are nightingales, wine, and kissing, while Aziraphale wants to make a difference. It's the classic debate between separatism and working to bring about change from within, which often causes conflict in progressive relationships.

We finally get a big kiss between our beloved characters, but it feels rushed and bittersweet. In fact, this whole "will-they-won't-they" aspect of the finale feels more like a setup for a sequel rather than a satisfying conclusion. It gives off a Marvel Cinematic Universe vibe, always setting up the next thing without allowing something to stand on its own. Metatron mentions the second coming, which will likely be the main plot of the next season. Crowley walks away feeling despondent, and we're left without a fully realized emotional climax. I understand that they need to do this to potentially secure another season, but the entertainment industry is already messed up. Why leave any loose ends if you don't have to?

Here are some additional thoughts and observations:

- I appreciated the callback to Aziraphale's discorporation method from last season. It was a nice touch.
- The clue that Gabriel was consorting with Beelzebub should have been the latter's sash. The bartender mentioned that they were dressed like a Mason, and if I had seen a Mason in real life, maybe I would have made the connection sooner.
- This episode was filled with nods to Doctor Who. With David Tennant and Derek Jacobi, who both had significant roles in the show, it felt like a reunion. Beelzebub even made a reference to the TARDIS, saying the fly was "bigger on the inside." And seeing Tennant walk away sadly as the love of his life became inaccessible to him was reminiscent of a season-two finale in Doctor Who. That poor guy can never catch a break.
- When Metatron mentioned that he had consumed things before, it made me giggle. It was like saying, "I was gay once, no big deal."

In conclusion, while the finale of Good Omens season two left some loose ends and felt more like a setup for the next season, it still provided satisfying revelations and moments of humor. The complex relationships between the characters, the exploration of heaven and hell, and the portrayal of love in unexpected places made for an engaging and thought-provoking viewing experience. Despite its flaws, Good Omens continues to be a unique and captivating series that pushes boundaries and challenges conventional storytelling.

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