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Eminem Fires Back at Boxer Terence Crawford’s Ring Walkout Plea | Exclusive Interview

Eminem may walk boxer Terence Crawford into the ring in Las Vegas.

In a surprising turn of events, it seems that Eminem may be making his way to Las Vegas, known as Sin City, for an upcoming boxing match. Boxer Terence Crawford took to Instagram to ask if the iconic rapper would accompany him into the ring for his highly anticipated fight against Errol Spence Jr. this weekend. Crawford expressed his desire for Slim Shady to walk him out, as he believed Eminem had never done so for anyone before.

Eminem caught wind of the video and responded in the comment section, expressing his enthusiasm for Crawford's request. He called the idea "crazy" but in a positive way, and stated that Crawford is one of his favorite boxers at the moment. Crawford, not one to back down, reiterated his offer and encouraged Eminem to join him for what he called a "legendary" moment.

While Eminem did not directly confirm his participation, he left the possibility open by responding with a pair of emojis. Fans of both Eminem and boxing were quick to show their support for the idea, with producer Honorable C.N.O.T.E. even suggesting that Eminem performing his hit song "Lose Yourself" would be an incredible moment.

The Crawford-Spence fight is highly anticipated and has generated immense excitement among fans. Whether Eminem is physically present at the T-Mobile Arena or watching from a distance, he will undoubtedly be invested in the outcome. Eminem has long been a fan of boxing and has even taken up the sport himself, engaging in sparring sessions at his home and participating in speed boxing classes.

Interestingly, Eminem was initially set to star in the boxing movie "Southpaw," directed by Antoine Fuqua. However, the role eventually went to Jake Gyllenhaal, while Eminem took on the role of executive producer for the film's soundtrack. In a 2020 interview on the podcast "Hotboxin' With Mike Tyson," Eminem shared a personal anecdote about his experience with boxing. He revealed that he once considered quitting the sport after being defeated by a 14-year-old during a sparring session.

In conclusion, the possibility of Eminem escorting Terence Crawford to the ring for his upcoming fight has sparked excitement among fans. While no official confirmation has been given, the enthusiasm from both Crawford and Eminem suggests that this could indeed become a reality. As the fight between Crawford and Spence draws near, all eyes will be on Las Vegas to see if Slim Shady makes an appearance and adds another memorable moment to his already legendary career.

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