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"Watch as Dianne Feinstein's aide hilariously crashes vote - You won't believe what happens next!"

Sen. Dianne Feinstein has awkward moment during Senate vote, health questioned.

In a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, Senator Dianne Feinstein of California found herself in an awkward situation when she mistakenly started speaking instead of casting her vote. The incident occurred during a roll call vote, and Feinstein's actions drew the attention of an aide and Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray, who urged her to simply say "aye" or "nay" instead of elaborating on her stance.

Chairwoman Murray interrupted Feinstein's statement, instructing her to say "aye" before proceeding. However, Feinstein continued with her explanation, stating, "I would like to support a 'yes' vote on this. It provides $823 billion that's an increase of $26 billion for the Department of Defense and it funds priorities submitted." Her statement was interrupted once again, this time by an aide and Murray, who emphasized the importance of a simple "aye" vote.

Realizing her mistake, Feinstein reluctantly said, "OK, aye," after being prompted to reiterate her vote rather than provide further explanation.

This incident has raised concerns about Feinstein's health, as she has faced questions in recent years regarding her well-being. Earlier this year, she was reportedly confused and denied being absent from the Senate for an extended period. In February, Feinstein was hospitalized due to shingles and was absent from the chamber for several months. She eventually returned to the Senate in May.

During her prolonged absence, some Democrats called for Feinstein's resignation from the influential Senate Judiciary Committee. However, she was not removed from the committee and has remained a member despite the concerns raised.

Feinstein has announced that she will not seek another term in 2024 and intends to retire once her current term ends in January 2025.

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