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Justin Thomas' quadruple bogey at The Open Championship results in a historically woeful round

Justin Thomas struggles with worst round of his professional career at Open Championship.

Justin Thomas had a rough start to the Open Championship, struggling significantly during his first round. He shot a disappointing 11-over 82, which happens to be the worst round of his professional career. This is certainly not a good sign for Thomas, especially considering his recent performance in major tournaments.

In his last major round at Los Angeles Country Club, he shot an 81, so his last two major rounds have both been in the 80s. It's clear that something is seriously off with Thomas' game. The two-time major winner has been struggling throughout the entire season and hasn't been able to find his usual form. He appears uncomfortable on the course, and his struggles are evident both off the tee and with his putting.

One of the biggest challenges Thomas faced during his round were the pot bunkers. These bunkers proved to be quite troublesome for him, as he found himself inside them multiple times and couldn't seem to conquer them. This added to his frustration and contributed to his poor score.

From the very beginning of the round, Thomas didn't look like himself. However, things took a turn for the worse on the par-5 18th hole. After hitting his approach shot into the pot bunker in front of the hole, he managed to go bunker to bunker, ultimately resulting in a quadruple bogey nine. This disastrous hole only added to his already high score.

Thomas' struggles are evident in his statistics as well. He currently ranks No. 145 in strokes gained off the tee, No. 154 in strokes gained around the green, and No. 155 in strokes gained putting. These rankings highlight the areas where he is struggling the most and need improvement.

It's worth noting that only one player, Taichi Kho, shot worse than Thomas with an 83. This shows just how much Thomas is struggling at the moment. If the weather conditions worsen, it could potentially make things even more challenging for him.

Thomas has openly expressed his frustration and disappointment in his performance during the U.S. Open, and it's unlikely that he is feeling any better after this round. It's clear that he needs to make some adjustments and find a way to regain his confidence and form if he wants to have a chance at competing in the Open Championship.

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