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American supermodel Gigi Hadid apprehended in the Caribbean on charges of Marijuana possession

American supermodel Gigi Hadid arrested in Grand Cayman for marijuana possession.

American supermodel Gigi Hadid, 28 years old, faced legal trouble during her visit to the Grand Cayman islands. Reports from local media in Grand Cayman revealed that Hadid, who is of Palestinian-American descent, was found with marijuana in her luggage while going through customs at Owen Roberts International Airport. She was not alone in this incident, as another American model and influencer named Leah McCarthy was also charged.

According to the local media, both Hadid and McCarthy arrived in the Grand Cayman islands on a private aircraft from a location in the United States. It was during the processing of their luggage that customs officials discovered the marijuana and related items.

Although the quantity of marijuana found was not substantial, it was enough to result in a fine of $1,000 for each individual after they were detained and processed. The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is currently handling the case, as reported by local Cayman media outlet Cayman Marl Road.

Interestingly, Hadid left the Grand Cayman islands just a few days after the incident, on July 15th. Despite the legal trouble, she managed to enjoy the remainder of her vacation and was even spotted at a karaoke bar during her stay.

Now, let's address the legality of cannabis in the Cayman Islands. It is important to note that recreational use of cannabis is not permitted in this region. However, individuals with proper licenses from qualified doctors are allowed to use CBD, a non-psychoactive component of cannabis. Unfortunately, Hadid's medical card for cannabis use was not recognized by the authorities in Grand Cayman.

In conclusion, Gigi Hadid found herself in a legal predicament while visiting the Grand Cayman islands due to the discovery of marijuana in her luggage. Alongside fellow model Leah McCarthy, she was charged and fined for this offense. The case is currently being handled by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Despite the incident, Hadid managed to enjoy the rest of her vacation before departing from the islands. It is worth noting that while cannabis is not legal for recreational use in the Cayman Islands, individuals with proper licenses can use CBD under certain conditions. Unfortunately, Hadid's medical card was not accepted by the authorities.

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