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Timothy Olyphant, Star of City Primeval, Reflects on Highly Anticipated Premiere

"Justified: City Primeval" premiere on FX is entertaining with new flavors.

If you're eagerly anticipating the premiere of Justified: City Primeval on FX tonight, we have some great news for you! This show is everything you could hope for in terms of entertainment, combining the thrilling elements of the original series with fresh new flavors. One of the reasons for this is the new setting, which takes Raylan Givens to Detroit. Brace yourself, because he's about to get tangled up in another intense investigation, with higher stakes than ever before.

Now, you might be wondering why they decided to bring this show back after all these years. It's a valid question, and according to star Timothy Olyphant, it was simply the right place and the right time. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly before the SAG-AFTRA strike, Olyphant shared his thoughts on what makes the show work:

"We went and got a Boyd, so that helped us ... It's definitely a different vibe, familiar but totally different. Everything about it felt right, and I hope people enjoy it."

Olyphant's reference to "getting a Boyd" is a playful nod to actor Boyd Clement, who portrays the new antagonist in Justified: City Primeval. While Clement's character may share some similarities with Boyd Crowder, Raylan's most iconic adversary to date, there are bound to be some distinguishing factors. After all, we don't want a mere repetition of what we've already seen – we want this series to shine in new and exciting ways!

If you're hungry for more information about the Justified: City Primeval premiere, including what you can expect, be sure to stay tuned. And don't forget to share your thoughts and hopes in the comments! We'd love to hear from you.

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