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Marketa Vondrousova, Wimbledon champion, finds motivation in sponsor snub

Marketa Vondrousova wins Wimbledon after being dropped by sponsor Nike.

Marketa Vondrousova's surprising Wimbledon victory has a deeper story behind it. The Czech tennis player revealed that being dropped by her sponsor Nike served as a driving force for her success. Despite her lack of experience on grass and a lengthy absence due to a wrist surgery, Vondrousova managed to defeat the favorite, Ons Jabeur, with a 6-4 6-4 victory. Her journey to this victory was not an easy one, as she also failed to capitalize on her run to the 2019 French Open final, which led to the non-renewal of her clothing contract with Nike. However, Vondrousova saw this setback as an opportunity to prove herself and show that she can still perform at a high level.

The Czech player's triumph adds to the remarkable success of Czech women's tennis. With Petra Kvitova and Barbora Krejcikova as active grand slam champions, Vondrousova's victory further solidifies the country's dominance in the sport. In fact, she will make her top-10 debut on Monday, joining six other Czech women in the top 35 rankings. Vondrousova reminisced about watching Kvitova win Wimbledon in 2011 when she was just 12 years old, highlighting the inspiration she drew from her fellow left-hander's success. The supportive and close-knit relationship among Czech players also played a role in Vondrousova's belief in her own abilities.

Vondrousova's journey to Wimbledon victory is a testament to her dedication and hard work. Growing up in the small town of Sokolov, she would travel to Prague with her grandfather every week for training. At the age of 15, she made the decision to move to the capital by herself to further develop her tennis skills. This commitment and sacrifice have paid off, as she now stands as a Wimbledon champion.

Despite her small stature and lack of power, Vondrousova has honed her game to rely on touch, slice, and angles, making her a formidable opponent on grass. She attributes her style of play to an early coach who taught her the art of slicing and finding alternative ways to win matches. Her ability to adapt and utilize different strategies has been a key factor in her success.

After her victory, Vondrousova immediately called her mother and grandparents back home to share the joyous moment. Her grandfather, in particular, has been her biggest fan and played a crucial role in her tennis career during her formative years. The support and love from her family have been instrumental in her journey.

While her parents were not able to be present at Wimbledon, Vondrousova was able to celebrate with her younger sister and husband, who made the journey to London for the final. Their presence added an extra layer of joy to her victory, especially as they were also planning to celebrate their first wedding anniversary at the Champions Dinner.

In conclusion, Marketa Vondrousova's Wimbledon victory is a testament to her resilience, determination, and ability to overcome setbacks. Her journey from being dropped by Nike to lifting the Venus Rosewater Dish showcases her unwavering belief in herself and her ability to rise to the occasion. The success of Czech women's tennis is further solidified with her win, and Vondrousova's story serves as an inspiration to aspiring athletes around the world.

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