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Clues Found in Pizza Crust, Tinder Account, and Disturbing Google Searches Helped Police Identify Long Island Serial Killer Suspect at Gilgo Beach

New York man arrested for murders of three sex workers.

After more than a decade, police have finally made an arrest in the case of the Long Island serial killer. The suspect, Rex A. Heuermann, a 59-year-old architect and married father of two, was taken into custody at his Massapequa Park home. He is believed to be responsible for the deaths of three sex workers and is also the prime suspect in the murder of a fourth woman.

The police were able to gather an overwhelming amount of evidence that led them to Heuermann. This evidence includes a pizza crust, a Tinder account, and disturbing Google searches. The investigators spent 18 months building their case against Heuermann, meticulously piecing together the evidence that linked him to the so-called "Gilgo Four" slayings.

Heuermann has been charged with multiple counts of murder in connection with the killings of Melissa Barthelemy, Megan Waterman, and Amber Costello. He has also been named as the prime suspect in the death of Maureen Brainard-Barnes, who went missing in 2007.

The investigation into Heuermann was aided by technology, specifically cell phone tower data and phone records. The suspect used burner phones to make appointments with the sex workers, and all the calls were traced back to his home in Massapequa Park. The FBI and other phone analysts played a crucial role in analyzing the phone records and identifying Heuermann as a suspect.

In addition to the phone evidence, Heuermann's online activities also raised red flags. He used a fake name on Tinder and even purchased a subscription to the dating app using a credit card linked to Google Pay. Internet search records from his burner phones revealed thousands of explicit searches for child pornography, sex workers, and sadistic and torture-related pornography. Heuermann's disturbing online behavior provided further evidence of his involvement in the crimes.

The police also discovered a connection between Heuermann and one of the victims, Megan Waterman, through a pizza crust. They witnessed him throwing away a pizza box in Midtown Manhattan, and DNA analysis confirmed that the crust matched a hair found in the burlap used to wrap Waterman's body. The bodies of all the victims were found wrapped in camouflaged burlap, indicating an intentional effort to hide them.

Heuermann's arrest brings some closure to the families of the victims, but the investigation is far from over. The police are still working to uncover any additional evidence and determine if there are more victims connected to Heuermann. The arrest serves as a reminder of the tireless efforts of law enforcement to bring justice to those affected by these heinous crimes.

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