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Official: Woman Arrested for Drug Charges Linked to Death of Robert De Niro's Grandson

Woman arrested for selling drugs that caused Robert De Niro's grandson's death.

A young woman, Sofia Haley Marks, has been taken into custody on federal narcotics charges for allegedly selling drugs that resulted in the death of actor Robert De Niro's grandson, Leandro De Niro Rodriguez. Marks appeared in Manhattan federal court and has agreed to remain in jail until she requests bail at a later date. Prosecutors have stated that they will oppose any request for her release.

The arrest of Marks took place following an investigation into the sale of drugs to Rodriguez, who was found dead in his Manhattan apartment on July 2. Rodriguez's mother, Drena De Niro, confirmed his death on Instagram. Marks is facing three counts of narcotics distribution related to the sale of drugs to Rodriguez.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams emphasized the severity of the situation, stating that Marks knowingly sold pills that could be fatal. He highlighted that fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, is now the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 49. In 2022, an estimated 109,680 deaths were attributed to drug overdoses, with approximately 75,000 linked to fentanyl and other synthetic opioids.

The exact cause of Rodriguez's death is still under investigation by the city medical examiner's office. However, Drena De Niro revealed on social media that her son died after consuming fentanyl-laced pills sold to him by someone else.

Rodriguez, the eldest child of Drena De Niro and artist Carlos Mare, followed in his famous grandfather's footsteps and pursued a career in acting. He had appeared alongside his mother in projects such as the 2018 remake of "A Star is Born," directed by Bradley Cooper.

Robert De Niro expressed his deep distress over the loss of his beloved grandson, Leo, following Rodriguez's passing. At the time of this article, De Niro's representative has not yet responded to requests for comment regarding Marks' arrest.

In conclusion, the arrest of Sofia Haley Marks on federal narcotics charges, related to the sale of drugs that led to the death of Leandro De Niro Rodriguez, has shed light on the ongoing crisis of drug overdoses in the United States. The prevalence of fentanyl and other synthetic opioids as primary causes of death among young Americans is a pressing concern for law enforcement and public health officials. The investigation into Rodriguez's death is ongoing, and his family, including his famous grandfather, Robert De Niro, is grappling with the tragic loss.

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