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Aaron Judge, Yankees' All-Star, Elaborates on Singing 'God Bless America' at Every Home Game

New York Yankees outfielder Aaron Judge sings "God Bless America" to honor veterans during home games.

The stereotype of the airhead jock may persist, but there are pro athletes who defy this perception and bring genuine value to their sport and the world. One such athlete is New York Yankees outfielder Aaron Judge, who demonstrates his patriotism and faith in a remarkable way.

During every home game at Yankee Stadium, the 6-foot-7 slugger sings along with "God Bless America" as it is played. Judge sees this as a sign of respect for the veterans being honored on the field. He recognizes their sacrifices and the challenges they faced, and singing the song is his way of showing gratitude.

What makes Judge's ritual even more inspiring is that he has encouraged his teammates to join him in singing. Together, they create a powerful moment of unity and appreciation.

It's interesting to note that the Yankees are the only team that still plays "God Bless America" at every game. This tradition has remained since 9/11, symbolizing the team's commitment to honoring those who serve and protect our country.

Judge, the reigning American League MVP, deeply admires the men and women who have made sacrifices to keep America free. He particularly reflects on the young soldiers who fought in World War II, enduring unimaginable hardships at such a young age. Their lives were forever changed, both physically and emotionally.

For Judge, every time the national anthem is played or "God Bless America" is sung, it serves as a reminder of the individuals who made it possible for him to pursue his passion and make a living playing baseball. He expresses his gratitude by thanking soldiers, Marines, sailors, policemen, and firefighters whenever he encounters them.

In a world where stereotypes often overshadow the true character of individuals, Aaron Judge stands as a shining example of an athlete who goes beyond the field to make a positive impact. His singing of "God Bless America" is a heartfelt tribute to those who have served, and it brings people together in a moment of reflection and unity.

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