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Report reveals Justice Clarence Thomas accepted costly gifts, including wedding reception expenses

Justice Clarence Thomas accepted lavish gifts, including his wedding reception, according to a New York Times investigation. Scrutiny of Thomas has increased following revelations of unreported gifts and trips. The investigation also revealed Thomas' relationship with billionaire GOP donor Harlan Crow, who provided gifts such as private school tuition and vacations on his yacht. The report focuses on Thomas' association with the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans, which provided him with access to a luxurious lifestyle. The Supreme Court has no formal code of ethics, leading to calls for clearer rules on conflicts of interest.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been the recipient of numerous extravagant gifts throughout his career, according to a recent investigation by The New York Times. The report reveals that these gifts include the expenses for his wedding reception in 1987, which were covered by a friend before he joined the Supreme Court. Thomas has faced increased scrutiny in recent months following the disclosure of undisclosed gifts and trips.

The investigation highlights Thomas' connection to billionaire GOP donor Harlan Crow, as detailed in an April 2023 report by ProPublica. The report exposed a relationship between the justice and Crow, who purchased property from Thomas in a deal that was not disclosed in 2014. Crow also paid for private school tuition for a young relative of Thomas and treated Thomas and his wife to vacations on his luxury yacht, both of which Thomas failed to report.

The New York Times' latest report delves into the lavish gifts that Thomas has received, some of which date back to before his time on the Supreme Court. The paper interviewed an ex-girlfriend who revealed that a friend paid for a Bahamas vacation for Thomas and herself in the mid-1980s when Thomas was chairperson of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Additionally, conservative commentator Armstrong Williams disclosed that he paid for the wedding reception of Thomas and his wife in 1987.

The Times' investigation primarily focuses on Thomas' association with the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans, an organization that provides scholarships based on financial need and counts wealthy and influential individuals among its members. Thomas became a member of the association shortly after joining the Supreme Court in 1991.

Thomas' confirmation to the court was met with allegations of sexual assault. However, Williams, who is a friend of Thomas, stated that after becoming a member of the Horatio Alger Association, Thomas was treated with respect and given access to the court. In return, Thomas allowed the association to hold ceremonies at the Supreme Court.

Through his connections with wealthy members of the nonprofit organization, Thomas gained access to a lifestyle of extravagant parties, vacations, and VIP tickets to sporting events. The association, in turn, used its association with Thomas to enhance its fundraising efforts by highlighting its special access to the court.

The New York Times reached out to Thomas for comment, but he declined to respond to their detailed request.

The Supreme Court does not have a formalized code of ethics, and critics argue that the system for preventing conflicts of interest is too vague, especially in light of the increased scrutiny surrounding Thomas' relationship with Crow.

It is worth noting that Thomas is not the only Supreme Court Justice who has received expensive gifts during their tenure. Former Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia disclosed multiple gifted and subsidized trips, and current justices have also taken luxurious teaching trips funded by conservative entities.

However, the revelations surrounding Thomas have gained momentum in recent months, with a continuous stream of reports detailing undisclosed gifts.

Following a series of gifts reported by the LA Times in 2004, including plane flights, cigars, a silver buckle, and a rawhide coat, Thomas stopped publicly disclosing gifts from individuals he considered friends. This decision was made based on advice from colleagues and others in the judiciary, according to The New York Times.

In conclusion, the investigation by The New York Times sheds light on the acceptance of lavish gifts by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas throughout his career. The report raises questions about the ethics and transparency of the Supreme Court and its system for preventing conflicts of interest. While Thomas is not the only justice to have received expensive gifts, the revelations surrounding his undisclosed gifts have sparked increased scrutiny and criticism.

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