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King Invites US President Joe Biden for Tea at Windsor Castle

UK-US relationship boosted as President Biden visits Windsor Castle and meets King Charles.

Today, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, will be welcomed by the monarch at Windsor Castle in a visit aimed at strengthening the relationship between the UK and the US. This visit comes at a time when the relationship between the two countries has been strained. It is worth noting that Biden had previously declined an invitation to the coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla in May, opting to send his wife, First Lady Jill Biden, and his granddaughter instead.

This diplomatic trip will also include visits to Lithuania and Finland from July 9 to 13. In Lithuania, Biden will attend the NATO summit on July 11 and 12. This will be his second visit to London, following his attendance at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in September. On that occasion, he joined the King and other members of the royal family for a reception at Buckingham Palace.

The President will be greeted at Windsor by a Guard of Honour formed by The Prince of Wales's Company of the Welsh Guards, who will give a Royal Salute. The Band of the Welsh Guards will play the US National Anthem. Biden and King Charles will then inspect the Guard of Honour before returning to the dais in the castle's quadrangle to watch a military march past.

Inside the castle, Biden and the King will have tea and the President will have the opportunity to view an exhibition in the White Drawing Room showcasing items from the Royal Collection related to the United States. However, it's not all leisure for the two leaders. They will also participate in the Climate Finance Mobilisation Forum, which aims to strengthen commitments to climate action within emerging markets and developing economies.

This meeting will mark the third time Biden and King Charles have met. Their first encounter was at the G7 Leaders Summit in Cornwall in June 2021, followed by a meeting at COP26 in Glasgow later that year. It is worth mentioning that the King's first meeting with a serving US President was in 1959 when President Eisenhower visited Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip at Balmoral Castle.

For Biden, this will be his second meeting with a sitting British monarch during his presidency. He previously met Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle in June 2021, shortly after taking office. This meeting with King Charles will be significant, as he is the final American president the late Queen met during her historic 70-year reign. Throughout her reign, Queen Elizabeth had numerous meetings with US Presidents, including state visits to America and hosting them in the UK.

One notable visit was in 1961 when she hosted the Kennedys for dinner at Buckingham Palace. In 1982, she went horse riding with Ronald Reagan at Windsor Castle, where they bonded over their shared love for horses. These meetings and visits have played a crucial role in fostering the relationship between the UK and the US over the years.

Overall, this visit by President Biden to Windsor Castle holds great significance in strengthening the ties between the two nations. It serves as a diplomatic opportunity for both leaders to engage in discussions on various matters of mutual interest, including climate action and international relations.

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