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Biological Man Crowned "Miss Netherlands 2023," Advances to Miss Universe Competition

First transgender woman wins Miss Netherlands, to compete in Miss Universe.

Rikkie Valerie Kolle, a 22-year-old transgender model of Dutch-Moluccan descent, has made history by winning the title of Miss Netherlands 2023. The prestigious event took place on July 8 at the AFAS Theater in Leusden, where Kolle emerged as the winner among ten finalists.

This groundbreaking victory marks the first time a biological man has won the Miss Netherlands pageant. Kolle's win is not only significant for the country but also for the global pageant community. She will now represent the Netherlands in the upcoming Miss Universe competition in El Salvador.

Kolle's triumph follows in the footsteps of Angela Ponce from Spain, who became the first transgender contestant in the Miss Universe pageant in 2018. Ponce's participation broke barriers and paved the way for others like Kolle to shine on the international stage.

Beyond her success in the pageant world, Kolle aspires to be a prominent voice and role model for the Queer community. She aims to dedicate her career to supporting individuals who have faced rejection from their families during their transition journey. Kolle envisions a world where everyone can freely express their authentic selves without any obstacles.

It is worth noting that the Miss Universe organization underwent a significant change last year when a transgender Thai businessperson and activist, Chakrapong "Anne" Chakrajutathib, purchased it for $20 million. Chakrajutathib, who is well-known in Thailand and has appeared on reality television shows, plans to utilize the brand to sell various lifestyle products, including dietary supplements, beverages, skincare products, and cosmetics.

The Miss Universe Organization, with its rich 71-year history, has a global presence, attracting over 500 million viewers worldwide. Different countries have acquired the rights to manage the Miss Universe pageant within their respective nations, allowing them to send beauty queens to compete in more than 94 countries.

With her groundbreaking win, Rikkie Valerie Kolle is set to make her mark on the international stage at the Miss Universe competition. Her victory not only represents a significant milestone for the transgender community but also serves as a powerful symbol of inclusivity and acceptance in the world of beauty pageants.

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